Lionel Messi, in Argentina's match against


Messi has been told that he's getting older and he surprises everyone with his answer

Published:18/11/2020 - 14:26h

Updated:18/11/2020 - 14:26h

After the victory of Argentina in front of Peru, the captain albiceleste affirmed that, while it can and the seleccionador want to, goes to be available to play

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Argentinian selection registered a conclusive victory in front of Peru in Lima in which, curiously, Lionel Messi was not the main leading. The captain of the 'albiceleste' was very involved in the game, dragged marks, opened spaces for his mates, but did not finish annotating a goal. His talent in the field, in spite of his 33 years, continue being impressive and is an indisputable footballer, so much in the FC Barcelona as in his country.

Messi does not have cuajado the best beginning of possible season. In the first date of the Eliminatory Sudamericanas for the World-wide of Catar 2022, marked only a goal (of penal), although it was very important for the ones of Scaloni in the creation of game and in the attack. With the Barcelona, has been almost the same history. With the ghosts of his attempt of leakage of the Camp Nou during the summer pursuing him, the Argentinian has not attained to show completely his capacities.

In the last months, has argued his ambition and attitude, but one and again Leo Messi has showed his value. Maybe no with the quantity of goals to which has us accustomed, but yes with his offensive contribution in thefield . After the victory of the albiceleste in front of Peru (2-0), Messi attended to the media. A journalist said him that, maybe by his age, was not showing the best of himself. The answer of the forward was, simply, spectacular.

The Argentinian journalist said him to Messi: "A last thing. I listened a lot of Argentinian press in the last week. And there are a lot of nuances. Some say that Argentina tries, but Messi suddenly retreats too much to carry the ball. And it comments that it is not so boy as when were 25 years old. Suddenly no. You how seat you and what want to give him to the Argentinian Selection?" And, instead of bothering , Read did not hide and ensured that while it go in in the plans of the trainer, he went to be there for his country.

Conclusive statements

Although it is a very difficult question to do, by the path of Messi and his importance in the selection, also is extremely complicated to answer. Without embrgo, Messi left to more than one surprised after his words. "Whenever I come here it is because I try to give the maximum, because I seat me qualified to be able to do it, can follow helping to this group", said. Besides it ensured that it will look for to follow litigating by the T-shirt "if the technician decides that it was, go to be. If no, no", although it feels " well to follow working, follow coming with the group and adding parties and victories like these", sentenced.

Before the return to Barcelona, to continue the fight by LaLiga and the Champions League, the Argentinian finishes the last date FIFA of the year with good feelings. "It won , important to add that the Eliminatory are complicated. Add is very good", said after the party. With the result in Lima, the Albiceleste great 10 points in the clasicación, occupying the second square, by behind Brazil, with 12 units.

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