Valverde: "We are centred, this changes in a week"

Published:3/11/2017 - 10:12h

Updated:4/11/2017 - 22:18h

With the intention to keep his series triunfal in LaLiga, the Barça faces this Saturday the visit of the Seville. In the previous press conference, Ernesto Valverde has launched a warning to his, in addition to speaking of Andrés Iniesta, Leo Messi or the Real Madrid

Calendar of FC Barcelona

New stop of selections in sight and the FC Barcelona pursues the same challenge that in the last weeks, attend to the selections with the duties done. The Barcelona will have to surpass the visit of a Seville that it wants to give war in the Camp Nou, and Ernesto Valverde has launched several warnings to navegantes that it does not want relaxations.

"Always it is important to go you to the stops with a good feeling, have 15 days by in front in which you can rest better or worse. It is truth that when going spacing these stops appear small challenges, everything divides in parts. After this stop already will go until Navidad. The Seville is an important rival, has recovered feelings and morals after bad results. They do not cost more the points against teams like this, but yes have a different value", valued the Txingurri to start with.

"Iniesta is extraordinary, are optimistic and trust that it can play"

After this cleared one of the subjects that more concern for the party, the presence of Andrés Iniesta: "Yesterday it did not complete the training and still does not have the high medical. We have to expect to see if it goes in in our list of summoned. The rest will come linked to if it can play this Saturday. If it is not in conditions to play against the Seville, the normal is that trip with the selection with a medical part. But we go, we are optimistic with Andrés and trust that it can play".

"The same that Messi, is an extraordinary player, is normal that notice when it is not. The presence of Andrés, or the does not witness, always notices . Also we have other players with big characteristic that can do it well", commented with regard to his dependency of the manchego.

One of the warnings of the afternoon arrived after the exit of two spontaneous that embraced to Leo Messi in the last party of Champions: "it concerns Me that this go extending, that was an effect infect. At the end it does not leave to be an anecdote, but think that would have to have a bit more than care"

"It does not be necessary to trust for going first, this changes in a week or two"

In relation to the rivals, went back to be very clear, launching his second warning. "This finish to begin and fix us in us. When you play you centre you in the party. You can not think I go 1-0 or 2-0, what it is necessary to do is to play. We can not look the marker and see where goes Valencia or the Madrid. Have to centre us in being competitive and try win to the Seville, Is absurd to look backwards and give jumps of joy by the fact to go first, this changes in a week or two".

Finally, it referred to the game of the Barça, ensuring that it is calm with the occasions that concede his and that the important is to keep the effectiveness up. And also it spoke on Eduardo Berizzo: "it Is a trainer that prepares well the parties, characterises for trying carry the initiative. This converts the meeting in more dangerous, will try us torpedear the exit"

The proper names of the press conference

To start with with the individual subjects, Ernesto Valverde referred to a new attainment of Leo Messi: "it Is an atrocity. 600 parties in a same club, with the goals that carries and the assistances... They finish us the adjectives with him. Only they surpass him Xavi and Iniesta, surprises especially how have been these 600 parties".

On Aleix Vidal and Burn Turan also was very clear, are lesionados. "Aleix Is of drop, already explain it here. Has annoyances in the ankle operated and is in process of recovery, expect that it was available the before possible. It burn has talent and experience. Also it is lesionado. We have to expect to that put well so that it can be an alternative, expect that it was motivated for revertir his situation".

And after elogiar the work of Ter Stegen, went back to refer to Luis Suárez. "When the tarpaulin depends on centimetres... The important is that the player was there to generate occasions. It is a question of perseverance, that is one of the values that has Luis. The only that ask him is that it follow insisting".

Finally, it repeated the message of calm that impera in the Barça with the recovery of Ousmane Dembélé: "Although it have put the boots of football, this does not mean that it go to recover before Navidad, expect him for afterwards. It did exercises in the sand, barefoot, spoke with him and recovers on the planned".

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