Video summary: Leganés 0 FC Barcelona 3 (LaLiga J12)

Published:18/11/2017 - 18:57h

Updated:18/11/2017 - 22:36h

Video summary, goals and better played of the party Leganés-Barcelona (0-3), relative to the day 12 of LaLiga 2017-18. Thanks to two goals of Suárez, the team culé achieved to carry without problems the three points. Paulinho Finished to the Leganés

Calendar of FC Barcelona
The FC Barcelona attained in Butarque a new victory struggled, without dazzling too much but with a solvency apabullante. Luis Suárez marked a 'doublet' that served to leave backwards his bad series of face to goal and that, without place to doubts, will give him more confidence of face to the next commitments. Paulinho Annotated the third goal for the FC Barcelona in the last minute, whereas Ter Stegen resulted to be vital, with spectacular stops, to keep the goal to zero and fraguar a new big result for the Barça.

The goals of the Leganés-Barcelona 0-3

0-1, Luis Suárez (min. 28): The Uruguayan broke his bad series of face to goal and marked a goal of 'pillo' after a refuse to the penalty spot of the guardameta Spanish. 0-2, Luis Suárez (min. 60): The charrúa certified his 'doublet' after a new refuse, again after a shot of Alcácer refused by Cuéllar. Suárez finished of powerful and acrobatic way. 0-3, Paulinho (min. 90): The Brazilian finished to the Leganés in a played embarullada, in which it achieved to put the leading to mark.

Table of goleadores FC Barcelona 2017-18