Xavi Hernández during the Barça-Sevilla of LaLiga


Xavi warns Madrid: Barça is going to fight until the end for LaLiga!

Published:4/04/2022 - 00:05h

Updated:4/04/2022 - 00:05h

Xavi Hernández has attended the media after the very important victory of FC Barcelona against Sevilla and has made it clear that the azulgrana will fight until the end for LaLiga

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The best FC Barcelona is of return and do not think to surrender so prompt in LaLiga, although the difference of points with the Real Madrid keeps on being very big. The Barcelona have assaulted this Sunday the second square of the championship suspender belt after winning to the Seville in the Camp Nou with a work of art of Pedri González to warn to the Real Madrid that the dispute of the title will be to the end.

That has been the message that has left Xavi Hernández in the back press conference to the Barcelona triumph against the group of Nervión. The one of Terrassa has left clear that "in LaLiga, while the mathematics do not say the contrary, will follow struggling. We go it to try. We will try to win all the parties. Yesterday we were slopes. It is difficult that fail so much the Real Madrid, but will try it to the end".

"If all run, presionamos... The normal is that they arrive the results"

Xavi has argued that in the football never knows and any could happen in this last stretch of the season 2021-2022, reason by which has left clear that it is necessary to expect to the end and trust that the Barça will be still in ascending line. "In the football does not know . The same we go in in negative dynamics. If all run, presionamos... The normal is that they arrive the results. There are footballers very good, those that play and those that are in the bench. The dynamic is by the collective work".

Likewise, it has asked humility to the barcelonismo in the middle of the euphoria by the big improvement of the team in this last stretch, "are not in the Champions. It is necessary to be humble. We are in a good dynamic", aimed, answering afterwards on if this Barça has level for the League of Champions that "are not neither classified. We will see it the next year. We are competing against rivals of first level. It is necessary to continue".

Surrendered in front of Pedri

On the big protagonist of the night, Pedri González, has stood out that "it is a player superlative. It has done an extraordinary goal. It marks differences. It is a show see it play. And only it has 19 years. It does not surprise me. It does not have comparison. All what gives us is a wonder. I encourage him to that it throw. But it is a pasador and has in mind the last pass, the decisive".

Xavi also aimed that Pedri "does not darse that it is necessary to test. And today it does a golazo", stood out, adding besides that the midfield player of 19 years "already is a leader, there are several leaders. And he is it. Always it wants the ball. Also it is leader Hammered, Alba, Alves, Ter Stegen...", it sentenced.