Ousmane Dembélé Greets to Xavi Hernández / Image: Twitter Official FCB


Xavi gets 'wet': The 'punishment' for Dembélé, Cavani, Messi's Ballon d'Or...

Published:3/12/2021 - 15:48h

Updated:3/12/2021 - 19:07h

Xavi Hernández appeared this Friday before the media at a press conference and made it very clear what he thinks about certain issues. The coach acknowledged that he will not send Dembélé to the stands no matter what happens and he also got 'wet' on the signings

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Xavi Hernández spoke in front of the media this Tuesday and confessed how sees he the renewal of Ousmane Dembélé. "What know is that it is not only the economic subject. We have left him a very clear posture. It is a very important player with a big talent. Already I said it, it can be the best player of the world in his position. It depends on he. We think in him like key figure of this project. If it is by the sportive project, is happy. We go to be positive. It wanted to feel wanted to and this will have it", commented, trying 'throw' of optimism.

It comments that in the Barça there is Managerial that are by the work of 'punish' to 'Dembouz' without playing if it denies to renew. The Barcelona technician, however, is not adherent of this and wants to have the French whatever happens. "It would not be the aim, if has agreement think that it has to play. It is necessary to be positive. But in the contrary side am very clear in this, if has agreement has to play, also by image of the club. I do not value this option, do not contemplate it", confirmed.

Another player that for Xavi is 'intocable' is Frenkie of Jong and the trainer left it very clear. For the egarense, the level that the Dutch gave against the Villarreal is the one who has to give from now in each meeting. "Yes, it is untransferable, very important, able to mark differences and the other day marked them, with the last pass, the goal... Pau jumped to the pressure and wanted to win him the back with Frenkie and achieved it. It played between lines, is the Frenkie that want, was excellent in Villarreal", signalled.

Also it questioned him to the ex of the To the-Sadd by the possible signings that can arrive in January. Although it was wary, yes admitted that the club works in several incorporations. "We go to see. It is prompt. The one of morning and the Wednesday are vital parties and the club works to reinforce . It is necessary to be careful by the limit salarial and still is prompt. We are working with the club to do some incorporation, is the reality", informed.

Edinson Cavani Is one of the forwards that is sounding with strength and comments that the Uruguayan is 'selling' to the Barcelona. Xavi, although him elogió, did not want to 'wet' on if the culés want to to the tip of the United. "It seems me a good footballer, but prefer to speak of which there is here. They need our affection and the one of the fan so that it surrender to the maximum, beginning by morning", insisted.

Xavi left clear that Messi deserved the Balloon of Gold

Changing of subject, the technician of Terrassa referred to the Balloon of Gold of Leo Messi and left clear that the eternal '10' deserves any prize that can receive. "The of Messi seems me of justice futbolística, is the best of the world and of the history. I think that it was Pep the one who said that it never is unfair that give him a Balloon of Gold to Messi. I think the same. Perhaps Lewandowski also deserved it, but when they open the on and say Messi, for me is just", aimed.

Finally, to the thread of the rosarino, explained very clearly why for him is "the best of the history". "Leo is the best, at the end there is a vote, add the votes and is just the one who wins. Of the history, my argument is that I Peeled was the best of his period, Maradona of his, Gave Stéfano perhaps of his, but everything evolves... If in 30 years goes out somebody as I Read perhaps will be able to say that it is better that he. Therefore now yes I think that Leo is the best of the history, for me there is not colour", concluded.

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