From this weekend, the referees will have three cards in the series b of italia

The Series B of Italy has implanted already... The green card!

The Series B of Italy has implanted already... The green card!

Published:5/09/2015 - 19:24h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

From this weekend, the Italian federation of football has informed that the referees of the Series B will use three cards, including a green that will add to the already traditional yellow and red cardboards. The green card will reward the acts of 'fair-play'

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The Italian federation of football has decided to revolutionise the 'calcium' in Italy implanting the apparition of a new card in the parties of the Series B, the green card. All the players that carry out acts and behaviours of 'fiar-play' will be able to be rewarded with said cardboard, whose accumulation along the season will report some reward for the players in question. For the moment it will treat of a pilot proof, but exists the possibility that said green card can use in a future no too far in all the parties that play in Europe.

"It treats of a reward for the sportsmen that comport of positive form in the game and in the sport in general", has explained the president of the Series B, Andrea Abodi, in statements collected by multiple media, included the newspaper 'Sport'. The employment of the green card already began to use in juvenile categories with a very good received, but now is the first time that uses in the level of elite.

Mateu Lahoz, referee of the Athletic-FC Barcelona

The Valencian Mateu Lahoz will be the attendant of pitar the next 12 September the party between Athletic of Madrid and FC Barcelona in Vicente Calderón, corresponding to the third day of the League BBVA 2015-16. The Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF) has confirmed that the Committee of Referees has chosen to Mateu Lahoz, the one who chains already 8 courses in First Division, to arbitrate the one who will be the party more mediático of the third day of the League BBVA.

Mateu Has characterised always by the "follow, follow" and for treating of a referee to the that costs him punish with cards -and lacking- the hard game of the rivals of the FC Barcelona. In fact, until 16 of the 19 referees of First Division surpassed him in number of cards showed along the past season, what leaves clear that Mateu is permisivo and little liable to use the whistle.

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