Alexia pose for a photo with the Ballon d'Or Feminin


Alexia is honest about her future: "I'm very attached to Barça, but you never know"

Published:9/03/2023 - 01:06h

Updated:9/03/2023 - 01:06h

After missing almost the entire season due to a torn cruciate ligament, Alexia Putellas continues working on her recovery to reappear with FC Barcelona. The culé star spoke with 'BeIN Sports' about his future on Women's Day

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The best player of the world, Alexia Putellas, left clear in his last interview that, although it is very to taste in the FC Barcelona, in the future could change of airs. For the player of 29 years, 2023 has been the worst of his career by fault of the injury of ligament crossed suffered the past summer, but still like this has been able to enjoy of the praises of the press and the affection of the fans after obtaining all the individual prizes to which was nominated.

In an interview for 'BeIN Sports' France, the midfield player ensured to be "too apegada to the Barça, but never knows . The Lyon is a team that carries long in the elite, has a lot of level, but the Barcelona is more professional, although we always have things that improve". The group directed by Jonatan Giraldéz has dominated with holgura the local tournaments, but the year happened could not surpass to the Olympique in the final (1-3).

The fanaticism by the Lyon and the controversy with the Selection

In this sense, Alexia did not hide his respect and admiration of the Lyon, definitely the most powerful club of the feminine football in the last decade. "With 17 and 18 years was inflate of the Lyon. To feminine level was the best with players like Bompastor or Renard. It loved me this team and also saw to midfield players like Kessler", commented the player culé, the one who besides took advantage of to refer to the controversy that wraps to the players of the Barça with 'The Red'.

"We are not rebellious, do not think that it was necessary to put adjectives of this type. It is a problem between the players and the Federation. They have filtered private conversations and this situation does not benefit to anybody", explained Putellas, the one who for the moment has kept to the margin of the controversy that keep 15 footballers with the technical Jorge Life, 'happening' of his last announcements.

The catchword of Alexia to the RFEF

"We need that the players can centre to the 100 % in his performance and that the leaders are more centred in helping us, without having to ask all thetime . It is exhausting to have to walk demanding constantly improvements to be able to surrender better", manifested the midfield player when referring to the conditions and provision that receive the Spanish players, in front of which Alexia demands a greater effort by part of the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF).

On the other hand, the Catalan star keeps his optimism regarding his return to the field, which follows without having a clear-cut date. "At the end it is to go little by little putting of my part thework , the energy so that when it touch to go back there is not any risk of relapse... If this has happened, has been by something and go to go back better", puntualizó Alexia.

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