Jugadoras del Barça Femení


Barça Femení continues to give Sevilla a break and now beats them in Liga F (0-3)

Published:10/02/2024 - 23:58h

Updated:11/02/2024 - 00:02h

Barça Femení remains unstoppable and remains undefeated this campaign. On this occasion, the culés achieved a 0-3 victory against Sevilla, consolidating their leadership in League F, a tournament where they are currently at the top of the qualifying table with 48 points out of a possible 48

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The Barça Femení, that does very little already knew what was to surpass to the Seville, after achieving an incontestable victory 8-0 in the quarter-finals of the Glass of the Queen, in this occasion have gone back to impose to the hispalenses. The ones of Jonatan Giráldez achieved his sixteenth victory of the campaign in the League F when surpassing 0-3 to the sevillanas with annotations of Claudia Pina to the 18', Caroline Graham Hansen to the 71' and Mariona Caldentey in the 73'.

The commitment in the feudo of the Seville developed with some similarities to the previous meeting between these squares. Although in this occasion the Catalan picture did not have the gale of game that showed in the previous crossing in front of the ones of Cristian Bull, where annotated six goals in the first-half, in this also dominated big part of the party. Nevertheless, the Andalusians attained to protect better his goal this time when playing with three defenders, what hampered that the cast of the City Condal arrived with ease.

Claudia Pina attained to inaugurate the marker in Seville

It did not go until the minute 18 that the Barça Femení attained to break the equality thanks to the forward Claudia Pina. The Catalan opened the marker with a finish from out of the area, raso and hit to the stick, impossible to detain for the goalkeeper Esther Sullastres. The 1-0 did not affect to the Seville, that devoted to keep the result in spite of the annotation received, while the Barcelona cast did not attain to open him another crack to the wall hispalense deep down, in spite of having opportunities of Aitana, Pina, Walsh and Mariona, for mentioning some.

Graham Hansen would revolutionise the Barcelona offensive

It began the second half and the Barcelona picture, although it followed dominating the party, had a relatively adjusted marker in front of a Seville that could take advantage of the fault of forcefulness of the Catalans to equalise the meeting. In fact, it saw to the hispalenses more decided in attack, especially through Amanda, the one who went practically the only generadora of danger. The Barça did not attain to create much more danger, except by a new big played of Pina that went to be repelled of very good form by the guardameta of the cast sevillano.

It was not but until when Giráldez resorted to the bench that the party decanted definitively in favour of the picture culé. In the minute 68, Salma Paralluelo and Caroline Graham Hansen ingresaron to the field in place of Esmee Brugts and Vicky López, to give him greater offensive power to the Barça. This change had effect almost immediately, since in the minute 71, the '10' culé took advantage of a centre of Aitana from the left band to the second stick and zambulléndose finished of way little Orthodox with the abdomen and sent the spherical at the end of the networks to put the 0-2 in the electronic.

Mariona also joined to the 'party' culé

Almost immediately, it would arrive the third and definite so much. In the minute 73, the played initiated with a centre to the area from the right sector made by Graham Hansen. To continuation, the balloon would fall in the feet of Aitana, the one who, in front of the impossibility to resolve the action because of the strong labeling that received, would decide to do a pass to backwards to Mariona. The forward, without mediating word, took out a 'latigazo' of right leg to put like this the 0-3 in the marker.

The commitment in his final stretch did not have a lot of sobresaltos. The Seville showed cautious in attack and stuck to his defensive resistance, whereas the Barça Femení, although it was not very precise, won danger and forcefulness in the attack from the entrance of Graham Hansen. With this triumph prolongs the series of victories of the Catalans on the hispalenses in this period, adding already three positive results and an overwhelming balance of 19 goals in favour and zero against.

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