Ewa Pajor Wolfsburgo


Ewa Pajor prepares her arrival at Barça with the official announcement of her departure from Wolfsbu

Published:14/05/2024 - 15:46h

Updated:14/05/2024 - 15:46h

FC Barcelona Women are very close to being able to complete a historic treble, but they are still working to improve their squad and their possible new goalscorer seems to have everything ready to land in Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The start of the current week has brought the farewell of Ewa Pajor of the Wolfsburgo, a fact that although already it foresaw , has had a big impact in the panorama of the feminine football. The goodbye of the Pole marks the end of an era for the German club and besides the beginning of a promising adventure of the player in the FC Barcelona, club to the that will arrive the next 1 July.

The tears of Pajor after the party against the Werder Bremen no only meant the goodbye to a club where has left footprint, but also the anticipation of his new way in Spain, where will arrive to the best team of the world to be perhaps the only piece that could do him fault to the Barça Femení. Before announcing this signing, Pajor has announced through his account of Instagram that abandons the one who has been his house during nine seasons.

The Barça will follow adding big talents to his team

The forward leaves of Germany after harvesting 14 titles, four leagues and seven glasses, highlighting also that the own German club also has made public his goodbye, although still without revealing his new destination. Pajor, that will play his last party with the Wolfsburgo the next 20 May, closes a full stage of successes to face now his arrival to the Barça, which will concretise after an interest culé that has gone in increase in the last three seasons.

An operation that could be historical for the Barça

It is worthwhile to remember equally that the Barcelona club will have to credit a payment of some 500.000 euros, corresponding to the price of the clause of rescission of the Pole, although the Barça will try to recess the figure to the end. The most expensive operation of the club up to now is the one of of Keira Walsh, by which paid 400.000 euros, by what the goleadora could surpass this figure and later gather with some culés with past in the Wolfsburgo like Caroline Graham, Ingrid Engen and Fridolina Rolfö.

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