Trofeo Mundial Clubes


Barça could be present in the new Club World Cup together with its eternal rival

Published:21/02/2023 - 15:58h

Updated:21/02/2023 - 15:58h

The new Club World Cup will feature the participation of 32 teams from around the world; 32 of them by UEFA. In addition to the last four champions by 2025, the eight best in the ranking would be added

Calendar of FC Barcelona

For 2025 it is foreseen that the World-wide Glass of Clubs of the FIFA suffer radical changes in his format. However, still they subtract for defining some of the criteria of classification for this new edition that would have 32 teams. One of her roots in the distribution of the European squares to advance to the contest. Depending on the criteria applied, the FC Barcelona could see benefited.

In accordance with the information of the 'Times', there are developing conversations between the body rector of the world-wide football beside representatives of the UEFA and the Association of European Clubs (ECA). In them it could have a measure that would benefit to the Barcelona team, that in principle would not have had foreseen to participate to the have not won one of the last editions of the League of Champions, as in the case of the Real Madrid

The idea would consist in assigning the 12 squares of the following way: four for the last champions of Europe in the previous years to the tournament (2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025), list that already includes to the whites for having proclaimed in the final of Paris. The others eight participants would classify in accordance with the coefficient UEFA, being this the road so that the Barça classify , except that it win the Champions in any of his next editions.

The ránking current

At present, this ránking is headed by the Bayern of Munich, whereas the teams that are still in him the classification are the Manchester City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Paris Saint-Germain, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Manchester United. If the World-wide contested this year, the Barcelona would assist with base in this criterion, but everything will depend of the moment in which the UEFA determine the allocation of the contingents.

Splitting that the Real Madrid already would have a square for having conquered Europe in the campaign 2021/22, would yield his place by the second road to the following club in the ránking, that would be the Juventus, adding like this to the only Italian team in this hypothetical list. Likewise, from the 'Times' sustain that this proposal would suppose restrictions by country with a maximum of four clubs. So that if two of them win the Champions, by coefficient only will be able to classify other two. In this case, they would remain it was Chelsea and the United (as long as they have not won the Champions) to yield his squares to the Ajax and the Borussia Dortmund.

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