Neuer v Costa Rica


An accident on vacation leaves Neuer 'KO' for the rest of the season

Published:10/12/2022 - 14:25h

Updated:10/12/2022 - 14:32h

Manuel Neuer will be low with Bayern Munich for the remainder of the season. The German goalkeeper has suffered a fracture of the tibia and fibula while skiing during his holidays after the elimination of the 'Mannschaft'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After the early elimination of the selection of Germany of the Glass of the World, the second of consecutive way in the first phase, the members of the tetracampeona of the world have had some days of rest before putting to the orders of the trainers of his clubs for encarar the rest of the season 2022/23; between them, the goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, the one who will lose what subtracts of the course.

The germano has suffered a fracture of tibia and fibula after falling while it practised ski, what carried him to subject immediately to a surgical process correctivo. With this injury, the Bayern of Munich has lost to his indisputable title in the goal for what subtracts of season in which they will look for to struggle by the titles of the Bundesliga, the DFB Pokal and the League of Champions. In the infirmary already find other effective, as Lucas Hernández.

Through his social networks, the guardameta German regretted to have suffered this accident that leaves him without options to take action until the start of the course 2023/24 and explained in what has consisted his condition: "What can say, the end of year definitively could have gone better... While it tried to clear me the head while it practised ski of travesía, suffered a fracture in the inferior part of the leg".

Even so, it has left clear that the surgical intervention has been successful, to the time that sends his message of gratitude to the medical personnel that assisted him, reiterating his pain by not being able to continue defending the goal of the Bavarian team by what subtracts of the course: "The operation of yesterday went out well. Thank you very much To the doctors! However, it hurts me know that the current season has finished for me".

The Bayern pronounces

From the directive of the Bavarian team also have regretted this incident. Like this it has manifested it the general director of the club and otrora goalkeeper of the selection Teutonic, Oliver Kahn: "The news of the injury of Manuel us conmocionó to all. We will be to his side and will accompany it in his way to his return. It will recover of this grave injury and will go back to the terrains of game so strong as always".

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