An altar in honour to Diego Maradona in Naples


Another conflict comes: What will happen with the inheritance of Maradona?

Published:2/12/2020 - 10:48h

Updated:2/12/2020 - 10:48h

The heirs of the '10' can be five children or eleven descendants. The Argentinian star has never recognised to Santiago Lara, the one who lives in La Plata, neither to other four Cuban that ensure that Maradona is his father

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Diego Armando Maradona, star of the international football, left a difficult inheritance to calculate, between properties and goods in an important part of the world, afterwards of his death the past 25 November. But further of the incalculable heritage, is the one who will inherit it. Controversy that initiated from the people but near of the surroundings of the ten.

Julio Chiappetta, one of the biggest of the journalism maradoniano of the newspaper 'Bugle', commented to the portal Celebrity net Worth, specialised in economy of celebrities, that calculates a total of gains of 500 million dollars. However, they aim to some 75 millions, rounding all the goods that can have around the world.

Chiappetta, specialist of all the surroundings of Diego Maradona and author of the scoop on his demise, emphasized: "Definitely, that is the next big serial that avecina on the figure of Maradona". This situation complicates even more, since the Argentinian Diego Armando Maradona did not leave written any will that lighten the process of inheritance to his familiar.

Therefore, his heritage that includes goods, properties and a sum around 75 million dollars, would go directly to his natural heirs. ''Diego'', as many know it, has five children recognised: Dalma and Gianinna, his mother Claudia Villafañe, his ex legal wife; Jana, the one who his mother was Valeria Sabalin; Diego Junior, Italian and son of Cristina Sinagra and finally Diego Fernando, son of Verónica Ojeda.

The controversy that arises in the inheritance and therefore in the surroundings of Maradona is that the five children do not get along between them. His three daughters Dalma, Gianinna and Jana share a good relation, in fact existed a group with the Doctor Luque, the one who attended to his father directly and kept the communication on his health in the last months.

By his part, the Italian son Diego Junior was separated of all the surroundings that surrounded to his father but kept a good relation, as they comment, is a boy zero interested, low profile and that loved to his father, could not assist to the sepelio for being infected of coronavirus. The fifth is the minor Diego Fernando, the one who does not have own autonomy. His mother, Veronica Ojeda, is not accepted by the three daughters of Maradona.

The case goes extending, is not a secret that ''The Ten'' did not recognise in life to six children, which can appear demanding part of his inheritance and would turn into a big problem for the children recognised since, would go down the individual percentage of the inherited.

They add six no recognised children for Diego

It exists a data: at least four Cuban children have not been recognised, adding to Santiago Lara that lives in The Silver and another in Buenos Aires. Will have his part of the heritage maradoniano? At present one of them has asked to raise the body of Diego for a proof of DNA, that could not do in life because of the pandemia by the Covid-19, will not be at all facil that the 11 children are heirs, since the judge dictaminó up to now that the priority will be his daughters.

In properties Maradona had his name in several places: it was owner of some mills of Cereal and Pastes in Venezuela, in proprietary Cuba of a Hotel of Luxury in The Habana, in addition to five houses in Argentina, and a Rolls Royce Ghost valued in 300.000 euros among others invaluable goods.

The family does not control all his properties and is complicated recopilar all his goods, what that yes is sure is that it obtained gains in all his career of some 500 million dollars. The mark Maradona never was to his name and at present the company is to charge his lawyer Matías Morla in United States and Argentina. Another factor that reduces the inheritance by each beneficiario. Also it is necessary to stand out that Diego Armando Maradona had a pending trial from the year 2015 against his ex wife Claudia Villafañe, by an escape tributaria of goods.

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