The bombazo against the Glass America forces to Messi to position


Argentina without Glass America while an airport follows with 38 respiradores sent by Messi

Published:11/06/2021 - 09:14h

Updated:11/06/2021 - 11:42h

Messi wanted to collaborate with the city of Rosary in Argentina in August of 2020, but the respiradores are still in the airport

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Leo Messi attended to the called of help that the world issued with the current pandemia that attacks each existent sector, that in the little that can do with a ball quite that did the Argentinian through his foundation to send 32 respiradores to his hometown, Rosario, in search to put an effective hand in this fight.

The director of the airport of Rosario, Eduardo Romagnoli, manifested a big worry and also doubts, because "The respiradores are technical teams of ventilation, arrived in the month of August. They are preserved in the International Airport Rosario Falkland Islands and of the best way".

The civil servant of the terminal explained to depth the subject for the channel TN, ensuring that "it Is all this pending subject of homologation by part of Anmat (National Administration of Medicines, Foods and Medical Technology) because it treats of a donation of the Foundation Messi to the Municipalidad of Rosario in shape direct. The only organism that can authorise the entry is Anmat".

In reply to this situation, from the Anmat ensure that the teams do not have the necessary and statutory documentation. "Between the faltantes did not find the registers of the product by part of the sanitary authority of origin", collected Sportive World.

From August of the past 2020 the respiradores are varados in the airport of Rosario and seems that here they will follow the 32, that were not all, because in total were 50 respiradores those that would send the Argentinian to his country but the 18 remaining were cancelled after it sucedido with the first package.

Suspended the Glass America

The situation return much more intense when it understands that the reason by which Argentina loses the headquarters of the Glass America is precisely by the pandemia and the situation that lives in the country sudamericano, that now will see like his rival maximum, Brazil, will have the organisation of the competition.

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