Arthur by Icardi


Arthur by Icardi, the barter that would joint again to the ex Barça with Messi

Published:20/12/2021 - 23:15h

Updated:20/12/2021 - 23:23h

The 'Vecchia Signora' would have offered to the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), where finds his ex mate of the FC Barcelona, the Argentinian star read Messi, the cession of the Brazilian midfield player Arthur Melo in return of the forward Mauro Icardi

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The barter of Arthur Melo and the bosnio Miralem Pjanic, between the Juventus and the FC Barcelona, figure between the 42 operations that are under the lupa of the authorities in this country. This concerns to the Italian entity, but no more than the constant acts of indiscipline inside and out of the field of the ex Barça. Right now, the picture directed by Massimiliano Allegri thinks in giving him gone out in January and yield it to any club that require of his services.

Of agreement to the information advanced by 'The Gazzetta dello Sport', the 'Vecchia Signora' would have offered to the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), where finds his ex mate of the FC Barcelona, the Argentinian star read Messi, the cession of the Brazilian midfield player in return of the one of the forward Mauro Icardi, the one who also has turned into a headache for the trainer Mauritius Pochettino, the one who situates it in a team plagado of attackers and, besides, has had to lidiar with his life out of the field.

The Argentinian attacker has contested little more than 800 minutes in all the competitions, whereas in Turín would be indisputable for Massimiliano Allegri, the one who follows treating of lidiar with the marked absence of the Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo, the one who left in the summer of return to the Manchester United, of the Premier League of England.

The file of Arthur

By his part, Arthur would arrive to a team in which it would look for reiniciarse, since disciplinary reasons has finished for upsetting in Turín. For example, according to the mentioned media, the Brazilian was excluded of the party against the Venezia (1-1). In concrete, by a delay in one of the last previous trainings to this commitment.

In his stage in the FC Barcelona already had occurred incidents that involved like manager to the player. For example, in December of 2019, Arthur was discovered practising snowboard in Andorra, when it was of drop by a pubalgia. It was not summoned during several parties by disciplinary reasons.

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