Arthur Melo in a training with the Juventus


Arthur does not convince Pirlo: "He is a particular player, he holds the ball too much"

Published:20/10/2020 - 17:41h

Updated:21/10/2020 - 04:02h

Juventus coach Andrea Pirlo spoke about Arthur Melo and made it clear that he is not happy with the Brazilian's style of play. In addition, the coach spoke about the situation of Paulo Dybala, who is not having a good time after his injury

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Andrea Pirlo spoke in an interview for 'Dazn' on Arthur Melo, that up to now only has contested two official parties with the Juventus of Turín. The Brazilian arrived like signing crashes to the 'Vecchia Signora' in an exchange with Miralem Pjanic, that finish in the FC Barcelona. The problem is that it was Maurizio Sarri the one who asked it and the napolitano was sacked when finalising the campaign, by what the ex midfield player found with him by force.

The ex milanista left clear that the style futbolístico of the ex barcelonista is not him convincing and that it has to change the mentality that had in the Barça. "It is a particular player. Has characteristics of the Spanish football. His football is very short and is linked to the Barcelona", affirmed. The Italian justified this opinion and recognised that the international 'canarinho' retains too much the ball for his taste.

"It looks little to forward. Still it touches too much the balloon, whereas in determinate occasions could accelerate. We are working in this", confirmed. It seems that the ex mediocampista wants to recover to Arthur for his cause, but of his words gives off some disdain. It is evident that if it was by him there would be fichado to the of Goiana and that if it goes to try use him is because it does not have more remedy.

The ex Barcelona always had some problems to accelerate in the zone of creation and look upwards, something by what was criticised in the Barcelona. Now, in the Juve, have gone back to recriminarle this, by what goes to have to change if it wants to play. Up to now, only it has contested 102 minutes of game in the Calcium, divided in 70 in front of the Crotone and 32 against the Rome, something surprising taking into account that it arrived under bass drum and cymbal does some months.

Pirlo Spoke of the case Dybala

On the other hand, Pirlo spoke of the situation of Paulo Dybala, that has been lesionado up to now and that did not play neither an alone minute the past weekend, something that bothered him. "I spoke with him, as with all the other. It was a bit angry because it did not go in the Saturday, but carries three months of inactivity, in the selection happened three days with an intestinal virus with antibiotics and the Friday trained only partially with us", explained.

The trainer juventino explained why did not contest neither a minute against the Crotone and left to fall that it will have the Argentinian in the next meetings. "In Crotone wanted to that it played some minutes, but lamentably remain us with ten and was not possible to do him play. Still it has not had any minute from the injury, but sooner or later will have to go back to the terrains of game", finalised.

Like this it was the presentation of Arthur with the Juventus


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