Arthur Melo, midfield player of the Juve, in front of the Hellas


Arthur opens space in the Juventus of Turín

Published:3/11/2020 - 20:22h

Updated:3/11/2020 - 20:35h

The ex player of the FC Barcelona, Arthur Melo, little by little goes taking the leadership that a player of his quality deserves, afterwards have arrived to the "Juve" in summer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although his exit was quite painful and traumatic for the surroundings of the FC Barcelona, so much to inflate as to the rest of the universe culé gives him taste know that Arthur Melo, exfutbolista blaugrana, the one who was sold to the Juventus of Turín the past summer, is earning increasingly forces in the plantel directed by the mythical Andrea Pirlo. This situation was to expect , since anybody doubts of the quality of the carioca of 24 years.

Although had a hard start after his arrive to Italy, where still has not had too many opportunities, the born in the city of Goiânia has gone escalando positions in the diagram of Pirlo of face to the training of his plantel. By the Series To, Arthur has contested four of six possible meetings, whereas in the Champions League, the ex Gremio de Porto Alegre has seen minutes in the two matches that has contested the Juve up to now, including the one who confronted to the Italians against the FC Barcelona.

This if, the mediocampista has had to alternate the titularity with the income from the bench of acting, but this, as all recently arrived footballer to a new league, is part of the adaptation of the same. Anyway, what is sure is that Arthur already has done notice and proof of this is the headline that devoted him the half Tuttosport, afterwards of the party between the Juventus and The Spezia, that said "Arthur Governs", in reference to the excellent split that the Brazilian had faced up to the recently risen Italian club.

In said clash, the exfutbolista of the Barcelona served like offensive compass to pipe the attacks of the Juventus, that finished doing with the victory by a been bulky marker of 1-4, with goals of Álvaro Morata, Cristiano Ronaldo by double game and Adrien Rabiot. It resaltante Of the same regarding the performance of Arthur like precursor of the attack juventino, went that the mediocampista made 105 touch of balloon during all the meeting, giving details of his importance in the field.

Better physicist, the secret of Arthur

One of the new and positive faculties that is taking out Arthur of his go through the Juventus of Turín, in addition to the taking of leadership like guide of the attack of his club, is the physical improvement that has showed the footballer recently. In the last two meetings of the picture bianconero, the sudamericano has completed the 90 minutes, situation that was very rare to see in the Barcelona, where generally was substituted in the second half.

Certainly, this factor is doing the difference between his stage like culé and his stage like juventino, since, while it was in the staff of the Catalan club, the player had a personal physical trainer, that supported it to treat to increase his performance. It seems to be that the trainings had his effect, but is calamitoso that Arthur was showing the best of his capacity in the Juventus and no in the Barcelona.

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