Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, president of PSG


Blow to the clubs-State: UEFA would implement a new Financial Fair Play

Published:23/03/2022 - 23:41h

Updated:23/03/2022 - 23:41h

UEFA will implement the new Economic Control from next season. The clubs-State would be the main affected by this rule, so entities such as Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain would be in trouble

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The UEFA pretends to change the financial norms of face to the next season. The Association of European Clubs (ECA) and the distinct local leagues have approved the new Fair Play Financial implanted by Ceferin. The aim of east is to put balance between the income and egresos of the teams, exerting equality between these and the clubs-Been. These would be the main affected, since this rule would detain the immoderate costs.

Through the last years, the maximum organism rector of the European football has been object of criticisms by part of the clubs and leagues more important of the continent. The reason of this, was the 'hand of silk' showed by the organisation to teams like Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain, that spent desmedidamente without mattering the losses reflected in his arks. These entities are used to to be considered as 'injected' economically by the countries to which pertenencen his owners, by what is evident the disparity between them and the rest of clubs.

Now, the UEFA wants to put him end to this situation and will put a limit between the 'injections' of capital and the losses generated in the teams. This rule is very resembled the one who governs at present the leagues in Spain, and considers a very hard hit to the clubs-Been. The change in the norm by part of the European organism pretends to sort out in the finances of the entities, being much more rigorous with them and demanding them financial responsibility.

In case to be approved, this reform would not execute immediately, but little by little. The clubs would go in in a process of three years of adaptation, until arriving to the aim of the UEFA that it is the allow them spend only 70% of his income in cost of staff. At present, there is a determinate quantity of clubs that have problems with the Fair Play Financial and could not assume the new normative. However, many of these find negotiating with the organism in the agreements of conciliation, by what would go in in equality of conditions with the big clubs when it is norm go in in force.

There will be punishment in case of incumplimiento

According to informations of the New York Times, in case that a team break of some form this new reform, will confront to the possibility to descend of category. That is to say, if a team of Champions League breaks the norm, will descend to the Europe League. The same sucedería of Europe League to Conference League. With this, the UEFA would show a clear criterion regarding the punishments imposed to the teams that fail to the rule, situation that in the current football is not so clear.

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