Kevin Of Bruyne, during a party with the City


De Bruyne: "If we avoid problems for next year, it is better not to play again"

Published:3/04/2020 - 21:18h

Updated:3/04/2020 - 21:18h

City offensive midfielder Kevin de Bruyne ruled on whether or not to resume the competitions. The Belgian is not in favor of continuing to play and believes that the Premier should decide as soon as possible whether to cancel the championship or not

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It has happened already almost a month since it contested the last day of the Premier League. In LaLiga, inside a week also will arrive to the 30 days without competing, and all Europe goes way of the same. The football is in 'stand by' in these moments by fault of the pandemia by the coronavirus and anybody knows for sure when will be able to go back to play. All the leagues want to finish the season, although it was in summer, but still there are not dates and already there is the one who puts pressure so that it take a definite decision.

Kevin of Bruyne, offensive midfield player of the Manchester City, pronounced on his opinion of if it has to or not going back to play this campaign. The Belgian spoke for the Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Niews and ensured that, although it is a penalty, if it is the best for no entorpecedor the next season, the Premier has to give by concluded the course. In this case, the English would have to decide if remain with the classification as it is now, being the Liverpool champion; take the table of the end of the first turn, with identical result; or leave empty the year, without champion, promotions and descents.

"It would be a penalty stop it now after a so good season, but if with this avoid problems of face to the next year, has to do", began saying. The mediocampista insisted that, although it knows the economic interests that surround to the clubs and the leagues, the best would be to finish it already everything. "I know that there is a lot of money at stake, but expect too much to take a decision, and play in summer, for example, could cause problems of face to the following campaign", commented.

Besides, the ex of Chelsea wanted to stand out the problematic in shape of injuries that could have go back to play after so much unemployed time. The one of Drongen thinks that all the players will need a month of pre-season and admits that, in contrary case, to the two parties there will be a lot of lesionados. "If you do not do at all during six weeks, will need a pre-season of a month. And if reinicias the championship, all will be in the infirmary after two parties. And that is not the intention", recognised.

Finally, Of Bruyne admitted that he does not know absolutely at all by part of the Premier or of the City and incidió in the doubts that leaves him go back to play this course. "The truth is that I do not know if it goes to finish playing or no, in England want to expect the greater possible time before deciding . But like footballer have my doubts", concluded the talentoso midfield player 'cityzen'.

The message of Of Bruyne to his followers

On the other hand, the Belgian has showed very active in social networks lately and does a pair of days wanted to command a message to his followers. The 'crack' left clear that gives him a lot of anger not being able to do what more likes him, that is to play to football, but that the most important now is the health and the security of all the world. "It is moment to play to the football, miss it and is difficult, but now is not the important, the football is not the important. The people has to be safe", said.

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