Erling Haaland Celebrates a goal with the Dortmund


Haaland's father opens the door to his son's departure from Dortmund

Published:19/11/2020 - 19:46h

Updated:19/11/2020 - 19:46h

Erling Haaland's father, Alf-Inge Haaland, spoke in an interview about his son and the future that awaits him. The Norwegian opened the door for the forward to leave Dortmund in 2021 and not in 2022, which is what is expected

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Erling Haaland Was the season happened the big disclosure of Europe and this campaign is confirming these good feelings with a start of course sensacional. The big performance of the Norwegian has woken up the interest of several big, that could launch to by him this summer of 2021 or as late in the one of 2022. The father of the forward, Alf-Inge Haaland, spoke on the moment in which his son could leave the Borussia Dortmund.

"When you play well, it is logical that the big clubs call to the door. But we are speaking of speculation here. By the moment is not in my son or in my head that another club will compete by him", began. The Norwegian continued and apparently closed the door of exit in the short term. "We sign a long agreement with Dortmund and the BVB has a fantastic team for Erling in this moment. We do not want to look for more still", it commented.

But the mates of 'Sport1', the half that made the interview, wanted to insist with the future of the of Leeds and his father left to fall that there are options that it go out of the Bundesliga in 2021. "Never it knows what will happen. Still we have not spoken of this step", affirmed. Nevertheless, before the idea of the footballer is to win something with the Germans. "I think that it would like him win some trophies with the Dortmund. That is his aim", aimed.

Questioned on the league in which Haaland could finish if it goes of the Borussia, Alf-Inge no 'wetted' and insisted in that the tip only thinks in following improving. "Sometimes I think what want to and can affirm in all the leagues. For the moment it is happy in the Bundesliga. The question is difficult to answer. The football is always new and different, and for the moment is centred in the Dortmund. Always it looks to the next training and wants to improve. Only it wants to be a better player and does not look so far", declared.

Haaland, happy with the Dortmund

Besides, it explained that from the surroundings of the goleador there is not any problem regarding the form in which the group germano is managing the situation of his son. "I do not think that the bosses need to be clearer. They take care it well and they are very happy with his performance. It can play almost all the weeks and appreciates it with a lot of goals for the team. There is something more beautiful?", desveló.

Finally, it wanted to leave clear that is not the moment to argue where will leave Haaland neither what will do, since it is happy in the Dortmund and in the only that thinks is in following giving joys to his followers. "He is well. We do not have to argue this in the means. It is happy to be in Dortmund and to play in this club. There are a lot of pleasant people and really is a fantastic club", concluded.

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