Pep Guardiola: Entrena al Manchester City desde el 2016


Guardiola's ultimatum to City: "If they lie to me, I'll leave"

Published:6/02/2023 - 22:55h

Updated:6/02/2023 - 22:55h

Manchester City is in the eye of the hurricane after the Premier League denounced the 'sky blue' team for alleged "financial cheating" committed between 2009 and 2018. In this regard, Pep Guardiola had already established a position in May

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Pep Guardiola always has defended to the Manchester City, affirming feel very comfortable in the bench 'sky blue'. With agreement until the summer of 2025, the Catalan trainer has raised already 11 titles in the club, all they local. However, the most recent complaint of the flat elder of the Premier League against the 'cityzens' could put end to the cycle of the míster Catalan in the Etihad Stadium of rugged form.

In May, the ex technician of the FC Barcelona had pronounced on the controversies that surround to the administration of the City. "Each word that say in each press conference, although the people does not create me, each word that say here is because I create in this. And when I defend to the club and to his people is because work with them. And when there are suspicions or the people accuses them of something, go and ask them: 'Of what goes this?' And once they give me explanations, everything well, create them", said Pep on 8 May.

Then, the group mancuniano had been loomed with a possible expulsion of the Premier League, that at the end did not precede because the club was absolved. Then, the one of Sampedor was clear: "Already I have said them that if they mention me, the next day no longer I will be here. I will go me and no longer we will be fellow. I put my expensive because I create you to 100% from the first day and therefore I defend to the club".

However, further of the threat, Pep was emphatic in his support to the directive. "Have been absolved means a lot for us, because like this they finish all the suspicacias. I do not forget me that there were nine teams of the Premier that wanted to throw to the City of the league and of the European competitions. These nine teams tightened and I know very who are", sentenced then the Spanish technician.

The City could lose three titles of league

If it proceeded the demand by presumptive "financial cheats" committed between 2009 and 2018, the group 'sky blue' would lose the titles of league achieved in the seasons 2011/12, 2017/18 and 2018/19, these two last reached with Guardiola in the bench. The rapes committed from the arrival of the property qatarí of the sheik Mansour would cause the discount of 20 points in all the seasons contested in this lapse, by which the vitrina 'cityzen' would see seriously affected. For the moment, the team already has answered and the legal battle could extend during several months.

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