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Henry criticizes Neymar for the controversial photos with his friends

Published:21/02/2023 - 18:44h

Updated:21/02/2023 - 18:44h

Neymar Jr. continues to be the focus of controversy. The Brazilian has been seen being part of a poker tournament and in a fast food restaurant, very much against Mbappé's call to be more responsible. In turn, Henry has criticized his environment

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Neymar Jr. It continues in the centre of the controversy. To the strong critical by the performance that has showed in his last parties with Paris Saint-Germain and by a new injury to few days of an important party, have added some controversial images of the international Brazilian taken to few hours of the defeat in front of the Bayern of Munich in the gone of the eighth of Champions, in which they fell by the minimum difference.

In the images, observes to the attacker dining in a McDonald's and even from France sustain that the forward has been seen participating in the Poker Tour Paris. All this just after Kylian Mbappé urged to the players of the staff of the team of the City Luz to eat and sleep well to be in full conditions of face to the party of turn in Germany, in which it will have to revertir the 0-1 of the gone.

These facts have not happened unobserved in the world of the football. Between them, it appears the case of Thierry Henry, the one who months backwards has yielded the honour to be the maximum goleador historical of the selection of France in favour of Olivier Giroud. In words for 'Amazon Prevail Sports', the champion of the world has questioned the type of friendships that surround to the Brazilian: "they Were his friends those that published the photo? With friends like this, do not need enemies".

The future of Neymar

All this situation would be carrying to the directive of the PSG to evaluate a possible exit of 'Ney' in the market estival. Nevertheless, his agreement supposes one of the main obstacles to find him a new destination. At present, the Brazilian is linked to the team of the French capital until 30 June 2027, with a wage of 36 million euros by season to the that would not be had to renounce.

Recently, it has trascended that there would be interest by part of Chelsea to do with his services, but the player neither would be by the work to abandon easily the Park of the Princes. For the moment, Neymar remains recovering of the injury suffered in the split suspender belt in front of the Lille. The same roots in his right ankle after having suffered a hard rushed forward by part of Benjamin Andre.

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