Ibrahimovic Celebrates the title of the Series To with the Milan


Ibrahimovic recounts his suffering from surgeries: "I could hardly sleep"

Published:26/05/2022 - 17:56h

Updated:26/05/2022 - 17:56h

Zlatan Ibrahimovic will face a long recovery period that could take the rest of the year. The Swede has just undergone a new operation on his left knee

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In spite of his advanced age (40 years), Zlatan Ibrahimovic continues valid like active player. However, the way has not been free of pain for the Swedish, that recently has had to subject to a surgical intervention in his left knee, what will keep him out of the fields by roughly seven or eight months, losing good part of the next season.

Through his account in Instagram, the ex player of teams like the FC Barcelona, Ajax, Juventus, Inter and current footballer of the Milan, 'Ibra' has explained the conditions in which it would have contested good part of the course: "During the last six months have played without previous crossed ligament in the left knee. The knee was inflamed during six months. Only I could train with the team 10 times in the last six months".

Likewise, it has given to know part of the treatments to which has subjected in search of a recovery that allow him be to tope again, what has caused him innumerable pains and annoyances: "I Received more than 20 injections in six months. Me vaciaron the knee once a week during six months. Analgesics every day during six months".

However, the Scandinavian does not seem arrepentirse of all the pain that has suffered to continue doing what more likes him: "Hardly I slept during six months owing to the pain. Never I suffered so much inside and out of the field. I did of something impossible something possible". Even so, Zlatan has been key for the obtaining of the Scudetto number 18 for the 'rossoneri' and the first after 11 years.

The promise of Ibrahimovic to the Milan

For the Swedish, the obtaining of this new title suspender belt obeyed to a promise that had made him to the team lombardo. Now, it prepares for an extensive period of recovery: "In my mind only had an aim, do that my mates and the trainer went champions of Italy because I did them a promise. Today I have a new ligament crossed previous and another trophy".

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