Lautaro Martínez in the final of the Europe League in front of the Seville


Javier Zanetti makes it clear that Inter doesn't negotiate with Barça for Lautaro

Published:8/09/2020 - 00:52h

Updated:8/09/2020 - 00:52h

Javier Zanetti, vice president of Inter Milan, spoke about the possible sale of Lautaro Martínez to Barça and the possible arrival of Vidal to the 'neroazzurro' team. The Argentine made it clear that there are no conversations for either of the two

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although some informations ensured that the FC Barcelona went to do a last intentona by Lautaro Martínez, from the Inter of Milan empeñan in aiming the contrary. Javier Zanetti, vice-president of the group interista, left clear in an interview to 'TyC Sports' that his club does not negotiate with the Barça by the Argentinian. The ex carrilero right-handed was conclusive in his statements and closed completely the door to his exit.

"For the time being there is not any negotiation with the Barcelona. We are in a way of growth with Lautaro and with a lot of other players. We do not think to change this route", espetó. In other words from Giuseppe Meazza want to grow from the 'Bull', of Romelo Lukaku and of other stars that already have in his staff. The idea is that the one of White Bay follow leading the forward and does not seem that they go to yield in front of the wishes barcelonistas.

To give carpetazo to the subject Lautaro, Zanetti wanted to stand out the happy that are in Milan with him and content it that it is he for following playing, growing and improving in the team 'neroazzurro'. "We are happy with him and know that he also here. He knows that it is in a big club and that is growing a lot of thanks to the trainer. Being so young and with so much projection is normal that other teams fix , but the day in day out that see is Lautaro that it wants to be still in Italy", signalled.

But the vice-president of the Inter did not want to leave to speak of his compatriot without praising his potential, his work and his capacity to play with any mate to big level. "I put it in the stair of one of the youngsters with more future. It outlines for this. The Italian football is very complicated especially for the forwards. It is showing a very important maturity and knows to understand the role of each moment. It plays with Lukaku and does it well, plays with Alexis Sánchez and does it well. It is a player of team. And this value it a lot", affirmed.

On the other hand, the known ex Argentinian player referred to the possibility that Arturo Vidal finish in Milan. It says that the Chilean already has an agreement with the Inter and that will sign with the Italians in what it close his course of the Barça, but the director prefers to not to pronounce on this. "Vidal is a footballer of big path, of big personality. But Arturo today is player of the Barcelona", stood out.

Zanetti Left clear that the Inter did not contemplate to go to by Messi

Finally, it cleared that the interistas were not in any moment in disposal to be able to do with Leo Messi. Besides, it showed satisfied with the fact that the rosarino have remained finally in the group culé. "The Inter was not in conditions to do an offer by Messi. It finished being the best for Leo and for the club. It is well that all have finished like this. It is just that Messi was still in the Barcelona", finalised.

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