Cristiano Ronaldo has left to be player of the Juventus


The Juventus reveals the official figures of the traspaso of Cristiano Ronaldo

Published:1/09/2021 - 00:33h

Updated:1/09/2021 - 00:35h

The Portuguese has returned to the Manchester United, the club where initiated his career in the cusp of the European football. Now, the Juventus has revealed more details of the operation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Juventus has given to know this Tuesday of official way the course of Cristiano Ronaldo to the Manchester United. It has done it through a note spread through the social networks in which it reviews the path of three years of the Portuguese attacker with "The Vecchia Signora".

In said communiqué, the Italian square has given to know that the traspaso by 15 million euros will be paid in a term of five years, more a maximum of other 8 millions in variables by aims fulfilled.

The Juventus mentioned also that the operation generates a negative economic impact in the season 2020-21 of 14 million euros. "It has been an incredible trip", concludes the communiqué of the Italian picture, that stands out that the also ex forward of the Real Madrid has been the first player of his history in reaching the 100 goals in all the competitions.

What has said Christian

Through his social networks, the also ex forward of the square merengue expressed to joy that gave him the can return to the Manchester United. "The years that happened in this club were absolutely amazing and the way that have done together is written with letters of gold in the history of this big and surprising institution", expressed the luso.

"It is like a dream done reality, after all the times that went back to play against the Manchester United. Joined, and even like rival, have felt always so much affection and respect by part of the fans in the terracing. This is absolutely 100% of what are done the dreams!", it affirmed the luso in the publication", added.

His attainments with the "network devils"

Besides, it remembered the triumphs that conquered with the combined English. "My first domestic League, my first Glass, my first announcement to the Portuguese selection, my first Champions League, my first Boot of Gold and my first Balloon of Gold, all were born of this special connection between the 'network devils' and I. The history has written in the past and the history will write once again".

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