Leonardo Araujo, sportive director of Paris Saint-Germain


Leonardo talks about the continuity of Pochettino and the option of Zidane

Published:20/12/2021 - 08:04h

Updated:20/12/2021 - 08:04h

The PSG sports director, Leonardo, has spoken about the current situation of Mauricio Pochettino as coach of the Parisian team and left a very strong message

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There is absolute confidence of the Paris Saint-Germain in Mauritius Pochettino, or this is the message that has wanted to transmit the sportive director of the French club, Leonardo, to dissipate the doubts that have existed in the last weeks regarding the continuity of the Argentinian trainer in the capital of France. They will not have important changes and the ex of the Tottenham will follow carrying the reins of the changing room by an indefinite time.

"He arrived does a year when had problems. We said him that we wanted to develop things and that had time", began saying Leonadoren an interview to 'Europe 1'. "Afterwards, we delete to the Barcelona and to the Bayern of Munich in the League of Champions. We lost against the Manchester City (in the semifinals), but were put in the idea of the season. Afterwards it arrives the summer and do what all the world already knows", explained.

The sportive director of the PSG 'defended' that it was a borrón and new account, with a very big and important staff, by what was difficult to begin in this season with good foot: "Build something, put to all the world in his just measure and space, is difficult. Even with the players that have, does not do like this. It needs time for all, to give them this feeling to be comfortable", adding that in his opinion in the PSG "are building something important. And we arrive to January with a lot of opportunities to have an unforgettable season. All the things that thought of him (when it arrived), follow existing".

With these statements 'acallan' the rumours of a possible dissatisfaction of the Parisians with Pochettino. The last informations had stood out the idea of a possible spare because to the Argentinian remained him 'big' a full staff of stars. Zinedine Zidane had appeared in the panorama, because from Paris (and Qatar, of course) are conscious of the capacity of the marsellés to manage the changing rooms and, especially, his idyll with the Champions League, competition that won thrice consecutive with the Real Madrid (2016, 2017 and 2018).

Leonardo 'close' the door to Zidane... For the moment

In spite of these virtues of 'Zizou', from the Paris Saint-Germain descartan that train the team in the short term. They have not existed negocaciaciones with the ex of the White House in any moment up to now, as it has recognised Leonardo in 'Europe 1': "we have not had never contacts with Zidane neither any another trainer. Con Tuchel, before speaking with Pochettino, had not spoken with any another. Never we have contacted to Zidane", sentenced the Brazilian.

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