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Manchester City could be hit hard for breaking financial rules

Published:6/02/2023 - 14:48h

Updated:6/02/2023 - 14:48h

In an unprecedented investigation, the Premier League has charged Manchester City with more than 100 charges in reference to the economic rules of the tournament and also of UEFA.

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The Premier League communicated of official way the indictment to the Manchester City by financial irregularities in his accounts after an investigation of more than 4 years by part of the English competition. The information of the British championship explained that the English club did not provide "truthful information" on different subjects, like the wage of the trainer during four years, the income of the club, included sponsors.

Besides, it has not fulfilled with the regulation of the UEFA regarding 'fair play' financial and licence, neither the one of the Premier regarding profit and sustainability. The patronal English also accuses to the club mancuniano of have not given the "information and necessary documents" for the cooperation of the investigation between 2018 and 2023. The indictments (at least 100), referred to the period between 2009 and 2018, have been derived to an independent commission, that will commission now to investigate them, but there is not a date fixed for this.

The club of Manchester already was investigated by the UEFA and sanctioned by a period of two years without being able to participate in European competitions in 2020 by quebrantar the rules of the 'fair play' financial between 2012 and 2016. However, this sanction was raised by the Court of European Arbitration and never went in in force. In this occasion the English club could not resort to the Court, as it explained the journalist of 'The Times', Martin Ziegler.

The City was bought in 2008 by the investment fund of Abu Dabi, what supposed an economic impulse almost without precedent. All this cost of the Arab State has translated to that in the last fifteen years have won six Premier League, two FA Cup, in addition to a final of Champions League and six Glasses of the League. The ones of Pep Guardiola confront a process that can culminate with economic fines, reduction of points and even the automatic descent to second division.


By his part, the City also made a communiqué and showed "surprised" by the indictments of financial irregularities presented by the Premier League and expects that the investigation finish with this subject "once and for all". "The Manchester City is surprised by the indictment of this break of norms of the Premier League, especially by the help and the vast quantity of materials that have given him to the Premier League", said the City in his networks and official place.

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