Massimiliano Allegri, during the Juventus-Villarreal


The 'new' Juve could get off the ship of the Super League

Published:24/01/2023 - 16:24h

Updated:24/01/2023 - 16:24h

If sanctions for Juventus came quickly in Italy, they could not take much longer from UEFA's side, something that would jeopardize the club's position with the Super League.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Federal Court of Appeals of the FIGC punished to Juventus with 15 points less in the Series To by the case of the plusvalías fictitious. Now it is missing the decision by the supposed manoeuvres salariales and a possible sanction of UEFA, that could exclude them of European competitions for breaking with the Fair Play Finanicero, something that the Italian club will treat to avoid.

This last point can finish affecting to the FC Barcelona and to the Real Madrid in his plans of the Superliga European. The third ally of the project was Andrea Agnelli, the one who resigned to the presidency of Juve for seeing involved directly with the cases of fraud. Now there is a new directive headed by Gianluca Ferrero, that could change all the panorama of the war against UEFA.

'The Gazzetta dello Sport' underlines that for the UEFA a Champions League without the Vecchia Signora is not the same, so much by sportive reasons like economic, since the bianconero is the most followed club of Italy. Go back to recover the ancient relations that saw to the Juve like the first ally of the UEFA is an aim in the headquarters of the patronal European, where expect that the new managerial "cancel the past, abandon the alliance with Florentino and go back to begin with new bases of collaboration".

The information signals that the maximum body of the European football want to to the Juve in his glasses, but "no the Juve of Andrea Agnelli neither the Juve that follows supporting the Superliga". The idea would be to approach and obtain some "discount on the punishments", but this would not be possible if it does not abandon definitively the project Superliga. By his part, John Elkann explains that the club will follow "defending with hardness for the interest of his tifosi and of all those that love the football".

Possibility of change?

Elkann, grandson of Gianni Agnelli, equally wanted to leave clear that it could have some possibility of dialogue between the institutions. "I expect that, together with the others teams and with the Government of the country will be able to change the football, building a sustainable and ambitious future. The Juve is not the problem, always will be part of the solution", finalised.

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