An altar in honour to Diego Maradona in Naples


Not all the familiars of Maradona believe in the 'serial' of his death

Published:15/01/2021 - 00:05h

Updated:15/01/2021 - 00:05h

Benjamín, brother of the historical player of the national team of Argentina, Diego Armando Maradona, spoke on the results of the autopsy in an interview conceded to the Spanish Television

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The death of the Argentinian star Diego Armando Maradona, the one who went player of the Seville and of the FC Barcelona, in Spain, follows generating controversy and doubts no only to his million fanatical but also inside his familiar surroundings. Many of his relatives confess that they did not expect an early death of The Lint, in spite of his full life of excesses from his addiction by the drugs, that so much hit in his sportive career.

To the controversy, on the medical treatment that gave him to the Ten during his last days of life, has added his brother Benjamín, the one who has put of full in the controversy that already almost will fulfil two months, afterwards that the past 25 November announced one of the demises that more have shuddered to the world of the football in the recent times.

However, it has taken part to throw him water to the candelero and leave 'rest in peace' to the also historical of the Naples. "I did not think that it would die so prompt. It had spoken it did three days with him and was calm after the operation of the head", commented the brother of Maradona during an interview offered to the Spanish Television.

Afterwards, soltó: "I am not doctor neither specialist. It did two years that did not see it, but can not you say. I think that it is where has to be. If God carried it to him is by something. It is useless to do conjectures of how, why. It was young and full of life. The report speaks by himself only", resolved the Argentinian.

On the inheritance that has left Maradona, which has generated a series familiar confrontations, has said that simply it does not interest him. "Each one will have his part and all the world knows by what struggles. Have to see all the brothers and solve what touches them to each one. To me it does not touch me at all and I do not move me a peel. They are those that are litigating and each one will know what touches it. I only have relation with Dalma and Giannina", limited.

Autopsy of Maradona

The autopsy of Maradona detailed that it died owing to a cardiac insufficiency, that generated him an acute edema of lung and caused him a sudden death. Besides, the results of different studies, descartaron that died by an overdose of alcohol and/or estupefacientes.

However, as the said by the researchers, in the analyses yes found the presence of "venlafaxina, quetiapina, levetiracetam and naltrexona", all psicofármacos. Like consequence, looks for establish if the consumption of these medicines, which produce arrhythmia, were convenient for a patient that suffered of a chronic cardiopathy.

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