Renato Sanches, after the classification of Portugal to chambers of the UEFA Euro 2016

Big controversial

Scandal in Portugal and Bayern with the age of Renato Sanches!

Published:5/07/2016 - 20:34h

Updated:6/07/2016 - 00:16h

An ex trainer of the international Renato Sanches ensures that the footballer would not have eighteen years, but 24. The extreme, that fichó this summer by the Bayern of Munich by 35 millions, is standing out in the Eurocopa of France 2016

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Grave and incendiary controversy is crossing in the last days Portugal and the Bayern of Munich as a result of an information desvelada by an ex trainer of the attacker Renato Sanches. According to this, the player that affirms to have eighteen years could be mintiendo and explain already with between "23 or 24 years of age". Something that could be due to problems with his game of birth.

"He says that is 18 years old, but think that would have to look to the past. His date of birth was declared years afterwards, by what his date in the register is not the correct. Can ensure them that has 23 or 24 years", affirms Guy Rox, ex trainer of Sanches.

According to the game of birth of the player this would have been born on 18 August 1997 in Lisbon, although it has ancestry of Green Cape. The controversy here roots in that the player was inscribed for the first time in the Portuguese register to the five years of age, because of a litigio between the parents of the player that does months fichaba by the Bayern of Munich at a rate of 35 million euros. The player interested a lot to the Barça in his day.

Here it could root a problem of the that is not the first time that speaks . His previous team the Sporting of Lisbon accused to Renato to have falseado his age, however these indictments remained in wet paper to the not being able to show and after the Benfica loomed with going to the courts.

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