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Maradona's son wants Barça to retire the '10' for respect to his father

Published:2/12/2020 - 19:49h

Updated:2/12/2020 - 19:49h

Diego Armando Maradona's son spoke about the possible tributes that could be paid to his deceased father. The Argentine assured that one that he would like is to withdraw the '10' in all the teams in which he played, including Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The death of Diego Armando Maradona has been a very hard stick for the world of the football and many still have not surpassed that the legend of Lanús has left this world. The eternal '10' of the Argentinian selection, of Mouth Juniors, of the Naples or of the FC Barcelona is for a lot of the best player of the history and thus it is receiving a sinfín of homages since it died.

His son, Diego Armando Maradona Sinagra, referred to all this and mentioned something that would like him that they did like act of respect to his father. The napolitano left clear that would love him that all the clubs in which it was 'The Lint' withdrew for ever the dorsal number ten. For the Italian, east would be the greater act of recognition to one of the best footballers of always.

But in the Barça there is a problem of weight with this, since Leo Messi, considered by other so many the best of the history, also luce the '10' for many years. The rosarino is the ten more iconic of the history of the group barcelonista and would not have a lot of sense withdraw this T-shirt by a player that is not he. In spite of this, the son of Maradona considers that the culés would have to do it.

"They would have to withdraw his dorsal in the teams where played, think so, included the Barça. It does not fit me any doubt", insisted the one of the Campania for the newspaper 'Mark'. Some words that it will be necessary to see if have or no effect in Seville, Naples, Barcelona, Mouth Juniors or even Argentinian. To what refers to the Barcelona team, is highly unlikely that decide to do something like this by Messi.

Although Maradona left big golazos, played and moments in the history culé, his footprint is not neither the half of the half of deep that the one of Leo. The one of Rosario is the maximum goleador of the history of the club and is the leader of the best generation that has gone through the Catalan group. The now captain has won it absolutely everything in the Camp Nou and there is not any more big and important footballer that he in Barcelona.

The '10' of the Barça is Leo Messi

By all these reasons, if the Barça decided to withdraw some day the '10', would have to be like homage for Messi and no for Diego, as commonly it knows him in the world of the football. In Naples, where himself left footprint and turned into much more that an idol, perhaps yes decide to show him the respect that won withdrawing this T-shirt. In the weeks to come it will see if there are novelties about this subject.

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