Cristiano Ronaldo trains with Portugal


The dineral that Cristiano Ronaldo is asking to the Juventus

Published:4/12/2022 - 18:42h

Updated:4/12/2022 - 18:42h

Cristiano Ronaldo would be had to proceed legally against the Juventus in front of a debt of 19,9 milones of euros by concept of the payment of his wage, in his supposedly broken moment by the club

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Cristiano Ronaldo, the one who at present finds under the condition of free agent after the Manchester United terminated his agreement of unilateral form, still would not have closed the chapter with the Juventus. In accordance with the Italian press, the five winning times of the Balloon of Gold would be demanding the payment of some 19,9 million euros to the team of Turín by concept of delays in the payment of his wage.

The information has been to charge of 'The Gazzetta dello Sport', indicating that from the surroundings of the Portuguese exists the disposal to demand this quantity that would have remained slope after his go through the north of Italy. However, from the managerial board of the 'Vecchia Signora', that comes to suffer a strong 'earthquake', would have indicated that the quantities stipulated between the parts already would have been paid in his whole.

The Juve, still under investigation

Meanwhile, the high control of the Juve is facing difficult moments after the renunciation of his directive in front of the investigations of which the club is being object to charge of the Fiscalía Italian in front of possible irregularities. Each one of the ancient integral of the ancient managerial train will appear in front of the justice for esclarecer the facts, all time that the institution would have 'jumped' the rule of the 'fair play financial'.

Of equal way, boasts that the Italian team there would be infringido the rule related with the licences of the clubs, by what the problems for the picture 'bianconero' continue increasing, now with the demand that would be doing the Portuguese star, that for the moment remains concentrated in Qatar with the Portuguese selection in the frame of the Glass of the World, in front of the irregularities in the payment of his wage.

The Italian newspaper has indicated that the Portuguese would be had to proceed legally against the entity turinesa, having of all the necessary resources by part of his team of lawyers. The subject roots in a presumptive agreement that the Portuguese would have reached with the managerial juventina regarding the cuts salariales owing to the sanitary crisis that finally could not be fulfilled by the north club of Italy.

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