Dani Alves afrontando su juicio por una presunta agresión sexual


The keys to the already officially started trial of Dani Alves

Published:7/02/2024 - 01:30h

Updated:8/02/2024 - 02:34h

Dani Alves is in the middle of a controversy after being accused of an alleged sexual assault. Currently, he is being tried in the Barcelona Court, and the verdict is expected to be issued during this month of February

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Dani Alves Is living crucial hours because of the trial in which it finds by a presumptive sexual aggression to a youngster in a discotheque of the City Condal. As diverse sources, the facts would have occurred in a toilet of the reserved of the discotheque Sutton during the night of the 30 to 31 December 2021. In front of this, the native of Juazeiro has been on remanded during more than a year in the Centre Penitenciario Brians 2 in Catalonia.

How they developed the facts?

The controversial incident to the that does reference previously has been object of different versions by both parts. According to the victim, the footballer would have forced it to go in to the toilet and assaulted it sexually using his strength.

On the other hand, Alves does not deny that there have been sexual relations in the toilet, but emphasizes in that these were consensuadas. Nevertheless, the version of the right side has changed in more than an occasion. Initially, the Brazilian aseveró not knowing to the girl, afterwards said that it had been with her, but that had not had sexual relations, later mentioned that only it had effected a felación and, finally, admitted that yes they had had sexual relations consensuadas, but highlighted that it had been under the effects of the alcohol and was not conscious of his actions.

How it goes the trial of Dani Alves in the Audience of Barcelona?

This month of February, the trial finds in a moment crucial for his resolution. The Audience of Barcelona, attendant to carry the case, has established the days 6, 7 and 8 to judge to Dani Alves. During the first day (06/02), the victim declared to enclosed door, and afterwards two of his friends that accompanied him in this day gave his version publicly, to the equal that three waiters of the discotheque that related the facts.

In the second day (07/02), saw light roughly 20 witnesses more, included a fellow that was with Dani Alves in the reserved (identified like Bruno César Brazil), the wife of the footballer, Joana Sanz, the director of the discotheque and several agents of the Mossos d'Esquadra that attended to the victim this night and participated in the process of complaint, presented his testimonies.

In third and last day, that will be this Wednesday (08/02), expects that they examine the proofs periciales, like the images of the cameras of security of the discotheque, the medical examination of the victim after the supposed aggression and a psychological report presented by the Public Ministry that describes the episode of "anxiety and terror" that experienced the young. Equally, it expects that Dani Alves issue his statement, which was programmed for the first day of the trial, but the defence requested that it make at the end, a request accepted by the Court.

The stages to which could confront Dani Alves

Once passed these three days, expects that the sentence know before it finish February, since the law establishes a term of no more than 20 days after finalised the trial so that the Court issue his dictamen.

Under this premise, exist three possible stages that could arise: one of them is that the footballer was absolved of all fault, although perhaps it was the less likely, can not descartar completely. The second stage would be that it was convict, but to few years of prison, an option that is considering if they value alleviations like the consumption of alcohol. The third stage involves that Alves receive a longer conviction, that could be of nine years according to the request of the Fiscalía or of 12 years according to the requested by the victim.

It is necessary recalcar that it has descartado the option of a possible reduction of penalty that could have reached if both parts had arrived to an agreement before the trial, in which Dani Alves engaged to compensate economically to the victim with the end to obtain a discount in his penalty if it finishes for being condemned. Nevertheless, this pact finally did not produce .