Matías Morla, pleaded of Diego Armando Maradona


Maradona's lawyer calls for an investigation into his death

Published:26/11/2020 - 17:39h

Updated:26/11/2020 - 17:39h

The lawyer of Diego Armando Maradona, Matías Morla, attacked to the carers of the 'lint' accusing them of medical negligence by not to offer him sufficient attention

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Wednesday, the world of the football lost to one of his big myths: Diego Armando Maradona. The ex Argentinian footballer died to the age of 60 years, something that conmocionó to the world of the football, that cried the loss of one of his bigger icons. Many are those that already have pronounced on the death of 'the lint' to show his condolencias.

By his part, the lawyer of Diego Armando Maradona, Matías Morla, put the cry in the sky and attacked to the carers of the 'lint' accusing them of medical negligence. It is thus that will ask that it open an investigation on the death of the ex Argentinian footballer, considering that no loaned him attention neither had him controlled during the moments prices to his demise.

The lawyer of Diego Armando Maradona​ issued by social networks a communiqué in which it explained it everything, although it began by some moving words. "Today it is a day of deep pain, sadness and reflection. I seat in my heart the game of a fellow to the one who honoured with my loyalty and compañerismo until the last of his days. My farewell did it with him in person and the velatorio has to be a moment intimate and familiar", said.

Shortly after, the text began to report the supposed medical negligence that committed with Diego Armando Maradona. "Regarding the report of the Fiscalía of Saint Isidro, is inexplicable that during twelve hours my fellow have not had attention neither control by part of the personnel of health to these ends .The ambulance took more than half hour in arriving what was a CRIMINAL IDIOTEZ", wrote, in upper case and with boldface.

Given the circumstances, Matías Morla communicated that it goes to ask an investigation by the death of Diego Armando Maradona and that will carry it until the last consequences. "This fact does not have to be overlooked and go to ask that it investigate to the end of the consequences. As it said Diego, 'vos sos my soldier, acts without mercy", explained.

Finally, the lawyer of Diego Armando Maradona offered him some moving words to sack him: "To define to Diego in this moment of deep desolation and pain only can say: it Was a good son, went the best player of football of the history and was an honest person. That you rest in peace, brother". Like this it finish the letter in which it announced that it will initiate an investigation by him.

The communiqué of Matías Morla on the death of Maradona

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