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Cristiano Ronaldo's message that could 'tie' him to United

Published:15/05/2022 - 18:49h

Updated:15/05/2022 - 18:49h

Manchester United's absence from the next Champions League seemed like a compelling reason for Cristiano Ronaldo to decide to leave 'Man U' in the summer. However, the luso seems to have other plans

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With 37 years fulfilled and a year of remaining agreement with the Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo seems to have clear his future for the next season. In statements conceded to the web of the club, 'CR7' 'wetted' on the arrival of Erik have Hag to the bench of Old Trafford in July, in replacement of Ralf Rangnick. "What know of him is that it did a fantastic work for the Ajax and is a trainer experienced. I expect that we succeed", it said the luso.

Besides, it added a sentence that seems to dissipate any doubt on his continuity in the 'network devils'. "I wish him the best and think that next year go to win trophies". When speaking in plural, clearly the luso hints that his plans aim to be followed in the club, further of not being able to compete in the next League of Champions. For the moment, the United is in places of Europe League to a day of the end of the tournament, with two points of advantage on the West Ham.

Likewise, Rangnick desveló that, for the institution, the continuity of Ronaldo depends exclusively of the wishes of the player. The German will abandon the bench to assume the sportive direction, his speciality in the world of the football. "His continuity is something that would have to speak go in Have Hag, the directive and I. Cristiano has a year more than agreement, but also is important averiguar what want to, if it wishes to remain", said the still trainer of the United.

In principle, especuló on the possible exit of the Portuguese star to a club in where it can contest the Champions. Names like Paris Saint-Germain or, even, the Real Madrid, went out to relucir like possible destinations for the forward, but for the moment there are not offers neither approaches for a possible traspaso. Further of the Champions, the main aim of Christian is to keep to tope physically to arrive to plenary to the World-wide of Catar, his last big international appointment. When seeming, 'CR7' considers that Old Trafford is the best place to attain it. What better place that his house?

The statistics of 'CR7' in the 2021-22: Discreet, but acceptable

In spite of going down his production goleadora, the season of Christian was not bad. The player of 37 years is the maximum goleador of the club with 24 goals and 3 assistances in 39 parties. 18 of his so many achieved them in the Premier, where still subtracts him a party in front of Crystal Palace next Sunday. The numbers of Ronaldo in the 2021-22 are the most discreet of his career from the season 2005-06, but considering his age and the abysmal moment of the United, the performance was more than acceptable. In this way, the destination of 'CR7', when seeming, will follow tied to the 'Man Or'. It will withdraw in Old Trafford?

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