Kylian Mbappé en el duelo entre el PSG y el Rennes en la Ligue 1 (2)


The mysterious message that communicated him the president of France to Mbappé

Published:28/02/2024 - 01:41h

Updated:28/02/2024 - 02:50h

The name of Kylian Mbappé has gone back to scene after his assistance to a dinner with Emmanuel Macron and several members of the high direction of Paris Saint-Germain. This meeting has generated speculations on if it argued some subject related with the future of 'Donatello'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Palace of the Elíseo, headquarters of the presidency of the French Republic, went the stage of a meeting in which Emmanuel Macron, mandator of the nation gala, exerted like the host. In this dinner stood out three figures: the Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad To the Thani, the president of Paris Saint-Germain, Nasser To the-Khelaïfi, and the French star Kylian Mbappé. This dinner generated a lot of speculations by the parts involved.

It is necessary to remember that in the year 2022, Emmanuel Macron exerted a decisive paper in the negotiations to ensure the renewal of Kylian Mbappé until 2025 with the square of the French capital. In fact, in his moment, 'Donatello' revealed in an interview conceded to the 'New York Times' how the president Macron 'influenced' in his decision to remain in the French team. The '10' of 'Them Bleus' cleared what expressed him the mandator Frenchman to try persuade him: "I Want that you remain you. I do not want that you go you now. You are very important for the country. Have time to go you, can remain you another poquito".

The reason of the dinner between Mbappé, Macron and company

Nevertheless, apparently, this dinner in which they participated the Tuesday did not have the aim to persuade to the native of Bondy, since it seems that the exjugador of the Monaco has taken the decision to abandon the PSG when finalising his agreement at the end of this season. As it informed in the newspaper 'ACE', the presence of Kylian Mbappé in the dinner was rather a formalism, far to treat some subject related with his future.

His participation was due to an entertain organised by the French mandator in honour to the Emir of Qatar, with the one who Macron had a private meeting before the dinner. It informed in several means that this 'cónclave' had like aim tackle the conflict between Palestinian and Israel, since Qatar is exerting like mediator in this dispute. Therefore, the meeting would have had like aim argue an immediate action to save a lot of innocent lives.

The mysterious message of the French mandator to 'Donatello'

Once cleared this point, there is another subject that generated some curiosity in the world of the football. When arriving to the Elíseo, Kylian Mbappé greeted to Brigitte Macron, the first lady, to the president and to the Emir of Qatar. According to the source referred in previous lines, 'Donatello' had a brief friendly conversation with Tamim bin Hamad To the Thani.

However, the moment stood out of the night occurred when Emmanuel Macron, in tone jocoso and in presence of Emir, as they attracted the cameras of 'RMC Sport', said him to Mbappé that "went him to create more problems". Although this comment was done of friendly way and caused laughs, some have decided to interpret it like a called to the reflection by part of the French president to 'The Turtle' that, as already it knows , seems to be decided to leave the French capital next summer.

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