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FIFA's new technology to 'revolutionize' football

Published:6/02/2022 - 00:17h

Updated:6/02/2022 - 00:31h

FIFA is testing a new technology to detect offside in the Club World Cup, which is already being held in the United Arab Emirates

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does not exist better vitrina that a World-wide. Conscious of this, the FIFA wants that his new big invention, the technology of detection of extremities, was perfectly tested and contrasted to give it to know publicly like the new big advance of the modern football during the next Glass of the World of Qatar 2022, that will be celebrated to end of year.

To reach said aim, the maximum regulatory organism of the world-wide football is testing this new application to detect the offside in the World-wide of Clubs, that is celebrating these days in the Arab Emirates Joined, with a success that has amazed to all the estamentos of the football, from the professionals until the fans.

This new technology will allow to create in real time three-dimensional visual representations of the skeleton of the footballers during the played. The first occasion in which this innovative technology was tested for the first time went in the Arab Glass 2021 that celebrated in December without that grieve had repercussion and these days has showed his spectacular level of concretion in the first round of the World-wide of Clubs, in the party that confronted to the champion of Oceania, the ACE Pirae of Tahití, with the host team To the Jazira, that advanced to the following eliminatory after imposing by 4-1.

It treats of a system of cameras instalafs under the cover of the stadium, that attract the movements of all the players and of the balloon. The multiple available systems in the market offer until 29 data by footballer, that serve to create animated skeletons. His resolution is almost instantaneous. Even, during the meeting of the World-wide of Clubs was remarkable how the application reacted and gave precise results in less than 30 seconds, a time ínfimo compared over time that it accustoms to lose each that the VAR has to take part to define if there has been offside in a specific action.

The impulsor of the project

Pierluigi Collina, current director of arbitration of the FIFA, is the big impulsor of this innovative idea that will revolutionise the football: "The technology is very important and useful so much in the previous preparation to the party as in the process of taking of decisions during the parties. But it is important to remember that lto technology does not go to take decisions by the referees. They are these those that to last instance have to decide if there is offside as they interpret if the player advanced takes part or no in the played", signals the Italian.

In addition to his use like referee's tool, the FIFA augura that the new technology of detection of extremities can contribute innovative information and new applications to trainers and medical body, processing a new type of data that help to improve the performance of the individual footballers and collectively.

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