José Enrique's 'stick' to Cristiano: "He believes God"

Published:11/04/2022 - 23:57h

Updated:12/04/2022 - 01:29h

Cristiano Ronaldo is going through one of the most difficult moments of his sports career. At 37 years old, the Portuguese seems to enter the twilight of his professional career 'fought' with the world, even more so after Saturday's incident in Liverpool

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The reaction of Will Smith in the last ceremony of the Óscars left clear that the half artistic does not forgive the errors and, in the world of the football, the reality does not be distant a lot of the surroundings Hollywoodense. In this opportunity, to the that him llueven critical is to Cristiano Ronaldo after his bochornosa reaction against a fanatical of 14 years when finishing the party entr the Everton and the Manchester United (1-0 in favour of the 'tofees').

The last in manifesting his repudiate to the Portuguese has been José Enrique, ex left side Spanish that militó nine seasons in England between 2007 and 2016 with Newcastle and Liverpool, before withdrawing with the Zaragosa in 2017. "Always I have said it, it does not fall me well. It thinks that it is God and that it can do what want to", published the ex defender of the Raise, Celtic and Villarreal in his account of Instagram.

"This does not want to say that it was not one of the best players of the history of the football, but like person does not like me", added the one of Valencia. José Enrique confronted to Christian in two seasons with 'the urracas', the 2007-08 and the 2008-09, just when the luso crossed his best moment with the 'network devils'. Since, Cristiano knew to win the admiration of many by his talent and the rejection of other so many by his attitude inside and out of the field.

The British authorities investigate the aggression of 'CR7'

The '7' of the United could suffer the gravest sanction of his up to now intachable sportive career product of his unexpected reaction of the Saturday. The Police of Merseyside has habierto an investigation to analyse the audiovisual material spread in Internet, where appreciates how Ronaldo struck the hand of a fanatical to prevent that it recorded him with his telephone. As it has been able to know, the fanatical assaulted is Jake Harding, a boy of 14 years that suffers autism.

Sarah Kelly, mother of the child, has been the one who formulated the complaint against the Portuguese, ensuring that his son suffered a hematoma in his right hand product of the hit that him propinó the forward. Besides, the youngster "left crying and very conmocionado" after the incident, since it was the first time that went to see a party in Goodison Park. Ronaldo excused publicly through Instagram by the event and invited to the fan to see a party of the Manchester in Old Trafford.

However, the NGO international Save the children, one of the most important regarding organisations defenders of the rights of the children, issued a communiqué where clears that "Cristiano no longer is ambassador" of the Organisation of which formed part from 2018. UNICEF Portugal, another organisation of which 'CR7' is image, has not published any message until the moment.

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