José Mourinho in a match of Tottenham in the Premier League


The Tottenham-Fulham, postponed by the peak of cases of coronavirus

Published:31/12/2020 - 17:18h

Updated:31/12/2020 - 17:18h

The cancellation of the match was given to know by the Tottenham in a message posted in its account of Twitter. Still there is not date to play the commitment

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The party of the Premier League of the Tottenham against the Fulham, that went to celebrate this Wednesday, was postponed. Purportedly, the cause would be because a still indeterminate number of players of the Fulham would have given positive in the proofs to detect the coronavirus.

"We can confirm that our party home of the Premier League against the Fulham, programmed for tonight has postponed ", announced the Tottenham in a message posteado in his account of Twitter. Hours before, the strategist of the Tottenham, José Mourinho, had published a video in his account of Instagram where said desconocer if the commitment between the two English groups went to celebrate. "Party to the 6. Still we do not know if we play it. The best league of the world", wrote Mourinho in his Instagram with an apparent tone of sarcasm.

Until the moment, there has not been pronouncement by part of the Fulham in his social networks to confirm if they exist positive cases in his staff, only have limited to inform of the cancellation of the appointment. "We can confirm that the party to domicile of tonight in Tottenham has postponed ". By his part, the authorities of the Premier League neither have issued some statement or communiqué in his networks.

They go three parties suspended

Already it is the third time that has to suspend a party of the Premier League owing to the coronavirus. This same week, had to postpone the appointment of the Everton against the Manchester City because of positive cases in the staff of the team led by Pep Guardiola.

Besides, during these last seven days, the proofs effected to the players and personnel of the Premier has launched 18 positive cases. It was in the month of April when the games inside the English League were restarted as a result of the first suspension after the first cases of the coronavirus in the United Kingdom.

New strain of the virus

In recent days, was discovered in England a new variant of the coronavirus that is able to infect with a greater ease. Strain that has caused strong estragos in London, the east and the south of England, subjecting to the English hospitals to an unprecedented pressure by the number of cases.

"Many of us have lost to familiar, friends and colleagues, in a period of the year in which usually we would have to be of party. It is normal that a lot of people seats tired, anxious and frustrated when seeing that we are again in the eye of the hurricane of this second wave of the pandemia that is sweeping Europe and this country", said Simón Steven, the boss of the National Service of British Health.

Figures that shoot

The past Tuesday, the country registered by second consecutive day 53.135 new cases and 414 deaths by covid-19. And only this Wednesday, documented a total of 50.023 new cases that added to the total figure that already surpasses the 2.432.000 of infections in the country. At the same time, the number of dead persons registered this day arrived to 981.

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