Frenkie de Jong in the Gamper


Frenkie de Jong vindicated himself against a Camp Nou that did not fail him

Published:7/08/2022 - 23:31h

Updated:7/08/2022 - 23:31h

With his future up in the air, Frenkie de Jong continues to stand out in Xavi's team. In the match against Pumas UNAM, the Dutchman played 45 minutes in which he showed signs of his quality as well as scoring a goal

Calendar of FC Barcelona

While the news around his future do not finish to yield, Frenkie of Jong follows concentrated in 'win' a gap in the alignment of Xavi Hernández. The Dutch was one of the most stood out players of turns it American, giving samples of his polivalencia and his capacities so much in attack as in defence. Now, in the dispute of the Trophy Joan Gamper in front of the Cougars UNAM, the mediocentro had a new opportunity by part of the trainer of Terrassa and knew it take advantage of with grow.

The situation of the footballer in the Barcelona square has generated 'passions' in some sector of the bloated, in where they dared to whistle him during some moment of his presentation, although these pitidos were clearly mermados by the applauses of the majority of the public, those who recognise the quality of the still player barcelonista. By his part, the midfield player did not show affected in any moment by the isolated complaints of the fans culé and went out to the field with 'hunger' of claim.

However, the player had to expect his moment in the bench, since the egarense decided to go out of start with Busquets, Pedri and Gavi. Thus, the opportunity of the ex of the Ajax arrived to the minute 45, when when going back of the changing room Xavi changed all the medullary culé and gave him step to a Frenkie that was accompanied of Nico and Kessié in the 'room of machines' Catalan. In this midfield predominated by the physicist of the canterano and the marfileño, the technician of the '21' projected and was key in the second part of the Barça.

In a sample of personality and intensity, Of Jong went out to the terrain of game giving a recital in the half of the field. The footballer was active from the first minute, asking the balloon constantly, marking the rhythm of the party, being conclusive in defence and joining to the attack every time that the played asked it.

A goal of 'todoterreno'

Like this then , the good performance of the Dutch saw recompensada in the minute 84. In a played that left in evidence almost all what is Frenkie like footballer, the player stole a balloon near of the rival area and remained hand manually with the goalkeeper, situation that resolved with the own solvency of a '9' when defining with a wonderful shot crossed that put the 6-0 definite in the marker. Far to make some effusive gesture or provocador, the '21' celebrated his first so much of the season with his family, those who looked it from the terracing.

Frenkie Has clear his future

In the meantime, his future in the entity keeps on being an incógnita although he has it very clear. And it is that in spite of the insistence so much of the United as of Chelsea, Frenkie wants to be still in the City Condal under the orders of Xavi. The problem yace in his wage, due to the fact that the club asks him a cut of 50% to the that this denies categorically. By his part, Laporta went back to affirm that "has offers but want to that it remain and he wants to remain ", by what the desenlance of this 'serial' is uncertain.

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