Arthur Melo in the party in front of the Athletic


Juve intercedes for Arthur and pressures Barça to release the Brazilian

Published:14/08/2020 - 11:28h

Updated:14/08/2020 - 12:21h

The Juventus of Turin has entered the Arthur-Barça conflict and has interceded for the Brazilian. The Italians want Barça to release the midfielder from his contract so that he can join the Bianconero team on August 24of Turín has gone in in the conflict Arthur-Barça and has intercedido by the Brazilian. The Italians want that the Barça free of his agreement to the midfield player so that it can incorporate to the group bianconero on 24 August

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Arthur Melo decided unilaterally not going back to train with the FC Barcelona​ does some weeks and has kept firm since. The Brazilian looked for presionar to the group barcelonista so that they freed him of the agreement that joins him to the culés until finals of August. Nevertheless, the answer of the club has not been the one who he expected, since no only no has terminated him what signed, but they have opened him a disciplinary file.

The president himself of the Barça, Josep Maria Bartomeu, recognised this file and explained the decision of the club. "We arrive to the agreement that until it did not finish the Champions, would follow playing in the Barça, so much in League as in Champions. It is a player that has one some importance in the team and that could help us. It is an act of unacceptable indiscipline. And therefore we have opened him a file, because there is not any argument that justify his absence", signalled.

The player returned to the City Condal does a week to try negotiate the rescission of his agreement in person, but for the moment has not achieved at all. By this reason, as they have explained in the Brazilian portal 'UOL', the Juventus of Turín, that will be his team from September, has decided to take party of all this. The bianconeros would have intercedido by the mediocampista and would have called to the Barcelona so that they free to the of Goiana.

The 'Vecchia Signora' think that the best for all the parts is that Arthur leave to be to all the effects footballers of the Barça. Thus, they are trying that the culés give by finalised his contractual situation with him so that the ex of Guild can incorporate to the discipline juventina in August. The Italians initiate the pre-season the 24 of this month and the aim is that the still blaugrana can be this day beside which will be his new mates.

The problem is that in the club there is a get angry important with the player, as it explained Bartomeu does almost two weeks. "What has done Arthur is a lack of respect for his mates, because the team has win to do it well in the Champions. And also for the club. It is not logical that playing you a so important title, a player decide to erase. It is injustificable and totally incomprehensible", aimed the president.

The Barça does not have at all that win in this war

These words of the maximum mandator of the Barça do not invite to be precisely optimistic, although the Juve will try that the club change of opinion. The true is that the Catalans do not have at all that win in this war, since Arthur can not contribute at all deportivamente to these heights. In fact, the blaugrana even could save money in his wage if they yielded, something that in the middle of a crisis always comes well. The ball is now in the roof of the Barcelona and of Bartomeu.

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