Griezmann Could go out of the team


Work of art of Griezmann, that reconciles with the goal

Published:15/03/2021 - 21:48h

Updated:16/03/2021 - 00:07h

Afterwards of the first goal of Messi in the minute 13, Griezmann attained that the Barcelona went even more up in the marker with a second so much 20 minutes afterwards

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The French forward, Antoine Griezmann, attained to go up to 2 goals the marker of the party that celebrated this Monday between the combined blaugrana and the Huesca in the minute 33 of the second time. In said party, the final marker remained 4-1 in favour of the Catalan square by on the combined oscense.

The so much of the French forward arrives in a good moment, since, in recent dates, have grown the doubts on the exert futbolístico that has had with the combined Catalan. The cause of this, has to , fundamentally to the fault of goals that has had along all the month of February. However, it can not deny that Griezmann has been important in what assistances refers .

To starts of this year, "The Prinicipito" had gone back all a feeling in the Barcelona. Although along the previous month this spark seemed to have him exhausted. Even the ex player of the Barcelona, Hristo Stoichkov, do not doubt in launching him darts to the French. "Whenever Griezmann is in the field, the Barcelona plays with ten players. If they want to do something in the long term, have to sell it. Trincao And Braithwaite have to be in the team. What is doing Griezmann there?", it ensured Stoichkov in statements given to ''.

However, in spite of the tarpaulins or failures that could have had the French, his importance for the game of the blaugranas is unquestionable. In addition to going by behind Messi in the ranking of maximum goleadores of the Barcelona, to finals of the month of February, Griezmann was of the Catalan players that more passes of goal has given this this season. Only Jordi Alba equalised it in this point (10 passes). Besides, his goals and assistances arrived in moments very important for the team.

Rumours of exchange

Recently, Italian means reviewed of agreements for a possible exchange between the Barcelona and the Juventus to exchange to Griezmann by Paulo Dybala. They explain that the Argentinian will be sold by the square of the "Vecchia Signora" and consider also the possibility to exchange to the Frenchman by the Argentinian. Another point to take into account, is that, in the past, the team that today leads Andrea Pirlo was interested in fichar to the French.

Nevertheless, this knew was before the goal that Griezmann annotated in front of the Huesca this Monday. By what will be missing for seeing if afterwards of this positive result the directive of the combined Catalan still considers to exchange it or sell it to another European team.

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