Crónica del FC Barcelona vs Granada de LaLiga


The Barça rescues a point in a demanding visit to Granada (2-2)

Published:8/10/2023 - 23:02h

Updated:22/10/2023 - 19:09h

The FC Barcelona has not been able to trace back the 2-0 of the Granada in The Cármenes in a very demanding party, contested and in which the suffering has been the 'ingredient' of the night. The culés add his third tie in LaLiga

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The FC Barcelona 'save', with a lot of suffering, in his visit to The Cármenes. The ones of Xavi Hernández, in spite of a command of constant balloon, were not comfortable in front of the ones of Paco López and finish rowing to contracorriente. Bryan Saragossa conditioned with a very fast goal and the Barcelona left the feeling to be to a course less. Finally, the goals of Lamine Yamal and Sergi Roberto cost to sign the tables before the stop of selections.

The Barça began his visit with two goals of Bryan Saragossa in less than 30 minutes that were a surprise for a Barcelona group that, although it had showed a very offensive version and arrived constantly to the rival area, saw prejudiced by a team that gathered to a lot of players inside and 'deprived' to the culés to feel comfortable although they signed occasion after occasion.

Bryan conditioned to the Barça

The clash began with the surprise of the attacker of 22 years, that took advantage of of a loss in the centre of the field of Gavi that allowed that Boyé filtered the balloon in front of the arrival of Bryan by the right. It had it very 'easy' to define with a derechazo raso and direct to the long stick that it was impossible for Ter Stegen. Only they had happened 17 seconds and, in fact, turned into the goal more tempranero in LaLiga from four years ago.

That the marker opened so fast caused that the Barça dumped to the attack no rest. They lived in the area of Ferreira with an infinity of occasions starred by Joao Félix, Gavi or Ferran Torres, but without the lucidity so that empatasen the marker. They needed of a lot of passes, swift, to be able to surpass the defensive system of a Granada that, although it lived in his area, did not hide . And the culés finished it paying.

And it is that to the half hour of the crash, Gumbau looked for to Bryan with a long balloon, in zone of three chambers, so that it dominated the balloon. The malagueño arrived to the area, broke to Jules Koundé in two opportunities and commanded a potentísimo finish by all the short square with an exquisite definition to increase the difference. It was a vase of cold water for a Barça that it had to begin from zero.

Lamine Yamal makes history in Spain

The frustration was evident for a group culé that, although it generated a lot, did not concretise at all. Joao Félix brushed the discount after a contragolpe that finish with the luso and commanding a derechazo raso by the short stick and that Ferreira commanded went by very little. Between the injury of Koundé and the seguidilla of occasions, appeared Lamine Yamal to make history in LaLiga: After a finish of the '14', the balloon remained died in the area so that the player of 16 years controlled and marked to pleasure to turn into the youngest player in marking a goal in First Division.

In the resumption was the Barça the one who followed carrying the reins of the clash and kept the leadership. Fermín appeared to command a volley that taponó Ferreira without problem, but the Granada went back to have the clearest: Gumbau hanged a balloon in the area so that Boyé finished with the thigh and commanded the balloon was, by centimetres, by the second stick. Ferran tested luck a finish from a direct fault, without success, and afterwards one of Gündogan, direct to the area that left Araújo for the finish of the of Foios, the '7' did not hit and the guardameta local finish remaining with the spherical.

The Barça, rowing to contracorriente

The Barça followed dominating and 'biting' to the rival, but of some way the ones of Paco López achieved to go down him the pulsaciones to the party to take air and avoid a greater disaster, although in front of the need the Barcelona went back to insist with several clear occasions, but the most important was the one of Ronald Araújo that, almost dressed like forward of to whiles, commanded a derechazo raso that left went by centimetres.

When the party was hotter and to five minutes of the end, lit the controversy in the New The Cármenes after Sergi Roberto put the equality in the marker, preceded of a previous contact between Vallejo and Joao Félix, that from the VAR did not consider that it was sufficient for pitar a fault. The goal went up to the marker for 'save' to the Barça and keep on being the only team in the five big Leagues of Europe that still does not know the defeat.

Technical index card of the party: Granada 2-2 FC Barcelona

  • Granada: Ferreira, Ricard, Blond, Ignasi Miquel Álvaro Fernández, Neva, Gumbau, Gonzalo Villar, Bryan Saragossa, Uzuni and Boyé.
  • FC Barcelona: Ter Stegen; I Cancel, Koundé (min. 43, Araújo), Christensen, Balde; Gündogan, Gavi, Fermín (min. 60, Sergi Roberto); Lamine Yamal (min. 75, Oriol Romeu), Ferran Torres and Joao Félix.
  • Referee: Soto Degree
  • Incidences: corresponding Party to the day 9 of LaLiga 2023-2024.
  • Goals of the party: 1-0, Bryan Saragossa (min. 1); 2-0, Bryan Saragossa (min. 29); 2-1, Lamine Yamal (min. 45+1); 2-2, Sergi Roberto (min. 85).

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