Crónica del FC Barcelona vs Celta de LaLiga


COME BACK! Barça plays epic and avoids the 'puncture' against Celta (3-2)

Published:23/09/2023 - 20:30h

Updated:24/09/2023 - 00:51h

FC Barcelona had to suffer and learn, the hard way, during Celta's visit to Montjuïc. Robert Lewandowski and Joao Canceo were in charge of overcoming the Galicians' 0-2 deficit in a closely contested match in which the Blaugrana have shown that they never give up.

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Ten minutes sufficed so that the FC Barcelona gave gone back to a history very 'sad' in Montjuïc. The Real Celtic Club imposed by almost 80', with two goals after a flawless task of the team, but the invincible spirit of the blaugrana appeared in and last stretch of the clash to leave clear that this team goes to suffer, but never will give by defeated. Robert Lewandowski and Joao Cancel were the artífices of a traced back historical and very worked.

Now everything is celebration, but it is necessary to do the idea that no all go to be exhibitions for the Barça and that will have split that will cost much more that others. It has happened against a Real Celtic Club that always is a quebradero of head for the 'big' of Spain because it is a team that knows to shut and that always gives war. Without place to doubts. This Saturday, especially in the first-half, left without shine to a picture blaugrana that still has to learn to 'break' to orderly teams to defensive level. It had happened them against the Osasuna, tireless, and have repeated the history.

Start very uncomfortable for the Barça in Montjuïc

The beginning of the party of the blaugrana was very slow, more than the expected. Had the possession in favour, but was ephemeral because they were not able to inject him speed and danger. A lot of merit had it a Celtic that planted without fear, but the reality is that the Barça was not very hit, with a very slow circulation and without the clear ideas to add to the attack. The vigueses, by his part, knew to hold the pressure and, more important still, take advantage of the opportunities that had in the area of Ter Stegen.

And it is that, in the first 45', went the picture of Rafa Benítez the one who offered the clearest occasions in Montjuïc. After a shot of Iago Sails, that commanded to corner Ter Stegen, began the siege of the Galicians that finish with a good touch of Luca of the Tower for Larsen, that confined in the area to command a finish cruzao and beat to the guardameta Teutonic underneath. The Barça gave a feeling of improvement with occasions of Joao Félix, but the Celtic, at least where more mattered, was being clearer.

Romeu Avoided the finish of Of the Tower from the point penalti, Larsen commanded a powerful head butt and, after the paradón of Ter Stegen, appeared again Of the Tower to test, but in the refuse commanded it was. Bamba Also had his... But the clearest arrived to the edge of the rest, when the balloon hunted it Iago Sails and, after leaving it to French, committed fault when it tried to finish. If it could hunt the balloon, was the 0-2 ensured.

The Barça, imprecise and with a lot of changes

The inferiority, in feelings, of the team forced to Xavi to begin the second part with changes, of protagonists and system. The Barça happened to play with a 3-4-3 to try have more incidence in the attack, but followed very imprecise... To the point that Cancel erró in a pass that finished with Bamba confining in the area, but a clear 'in extremis' of Gavi braked to the player, without fail, to finish face to face in front of Ter Stegen. Robert Lewandowski tried to appear with a shot from the frontal that left was, diverted, but went the Celtic the one who 'better' was.

The visitors were those that finer were and were costing of the contragolpes to plant in two or three passes in the area. First it was Sails the one who tried it and taponó Christensen, Mingueza with a finish very centred or a far shot of Beltrán above the crossbar. To the Barcelona was costing him a lot play between lines and followed betting by finish them of long distance. Ronald Araújo was the following, but Villar cleared to time.

Traced back flawless of a Barça that never surrenders

The blaugrana tried to advance lines, expand the field and do more use of the bands, but the occasions arrived to account drops. Ferran Torres had the goal in his boots until in two opportunities; first after a loss of Ristic that finish in an occasion of three passes so that the one of Foios commanded a finish that it left was and afterwards another that left by the side of the network.

For the first time they had launched by the tie, but the opportunities arrived to dropper. Robert Lewandowski and Ílkay Gündogan were very desconectados and, with his difficulties by the physical wear, the Celtic arrived each so much to the area of a Ter Stegen that appeared of prodigious way to avoid the goal of Bamba, but the luck was not of his side in the enésimo contragolpe of the Celtic: Mingueza won in the band, launched to the attack and between Beltrán, Bamba and Sails manufactured the played with which Douvikas marked the goal that could have killed to the Barça... But that was not sufficient. A doublet in extremis of the '9' Polish and another of Canceo sentenced a party with many mini histories.

Technical index card of the party: FC Barcelona 3-2 RC Celtic

  • FC Barcelona: Ter Stegen; I Cancel, Christensen (min. 60, Balde), Koundé, Marcos Alonso; Romeu, Gündogan, Of Jong (min, 35, Gavi); Ferran, Lewandowski and Joao Félix.
  • RC Celtic: Iván Villar; Mingueza, Unai, Domínguez, Starfelt, Ristic; Of the Tower, Beltrán; Iago Sails, Larsen and Bamba.
  • Referee: Melero López
  • Incidences: corresponding Party to the day 6 of LaLiga 2023-2024.
  • Goals of the party: 0-1, Larsen (min. 19); 0-2, Duovikas (min. 76); 1-2, Robert Lewandowski (min. 81); 2-2, Robert Lewandowski (2-2); 3-2, Joao Cancel (min. 89).

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