The eleven of FC Barcelona against Cádiz


Ferran Torres, Pedri, Lamine Yamal… Barça's 1x1 in the victory against Cádiz

Published:13/04/2024 - 23:00h

Updated:13/04/2024 - 23:00h

FC Barcelona stayed alive in the 'race' for the League title with a new narrow victory against Cádiz (0-1). The culés won thanks to a great Chilean goal from Joao Félix on a night of massive rotations

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The visit to the FC Barcelona to the New Mirandilla saldó with another victory by the minimum in front of a combativo Cádiz (0-1). A golazo of Joao Félix in the minute 37 allowed to the ones of Xavi Hernández be still in the fight by the title of LaLiga, keeping the advantage of eight points with the Real Madrid to a week of the Classical in Santiago Bernabéu. The culés had several occasions in the complement to expand the marker, but the fault of puntería of his forwards kept the suspense to the end. Like this we saw to the Barça in territory gaditano, in a night of a lot of rotations thinking in the Champions.

Ter Stegen: Solvent

It did not have too much action in the party, but answered with solvency in the few attempts to door of the gaditanos. A manotazo firm to a finish of Alex Fernández was his more stood out contribution before the rest. In the complement cut several aerial balloons and lució with a paradón to Diadie Samassékou to concretise another goal to zero.

Héctor Fort: Cumplidor

The juvenile played to profile changed to give rest to Koundé and, in general lines, completed a good party, helping in the mark in front of the improvised line of three deep down that, by moments, showed the Barça by the projection of Marcos Alonso. Had a lunar solo in the night, by a bad pass backwards to Ter Stegen that finish in corner. In spite of his defensive commitment, also went up several times and brushed the so much in the first part with a good finish that it demanded to Ledesma. Pedri ingresó In his place in the 60'.

Andreas Christensen: Orderly

The Danish played 60 minutes in his return to the saga like first head office. Fast and very planted to complete clear in the first part, saw something imprecise in the beginning of the complement when the Cádiz arrived several times by left. It left his place in the field to fault of half hour for the entry of Koundé.

Pau Cubarsí: Apercibido

Further of a bad pass to Marcos Alonso, the canterano follows ratifying as the defensive talisman of the Barça with his remarkable quality so much in the mark as in exit with the balloon. It saw the yellow by an agarrón to Iza Carcelén to cut a contragolpe of the Cádiz. It saw comfortable in an unpublished pair beside Christensen, very attentive to clear centres of the venues. It could commit a hand penalti in the second part, but saved him an offside previous.

Marcos Alonso: Active

It replaced to Joao Cancel like left-handed/extreme side. Although it was something slow, the defender did a remarkable effort to generate danger by left, although it neglected too much his side in the mark. Still like this, it kept in field the 90 minutes.

Oriol Romeu: Errático

It went back to have problems with the balloon and a bad his pass propició the clearest of the Cádiz in the first time, after a loss in front of Robert Navarro that derived in Javi Fernández. The side finished to door, but Ter Stegen resolved without problems. In the complement retreated some metres to give a hand to Cubarsí and Koundé.

Sergi Roberto: Solidario

The captain was, beside Christensen, the only player of field that was supported by with regard to the eleven of Champions, taking advantage of his absence by sanction for the turn in front of the PSG. It began like pivote, situated to few metres of the central to give exit to the team. Afterwards it installed in contrary field and, of head, was near to assist to Fermín before the rest. In the descuentro of the first time saw the yellow by a push to Rubén Nephew. After the exits of Fort and Christensen happened to occupy the right side.

Fermín López: Intense

It was the best of the centre of the field culé in the first part, exhibiting his usual gone and turn to connect lines with passes filtered and courts providenciales. It brushed the so much before the rest with a finish that it saved Víctor Chust on the line. In the complement advanced several metres and armed a big wall in the 70' with Lamine that finished in a finish diverted of the juvenile. Raphinha ingresó By him to ten of the end.

Ferran Torres: Turn signal

The 'Shark' went in very little at stake during the first part, since the majority of attempts of the Barça in attack were by left. On the hour of game had a clear occasion after a big assistance of Joao Félix that it could not take advantage of by the blockade of a defender gaditano. A pair of minutes afterwards gave him back the 'courtesy' to the '14', but the luso also failed in the definition. With the entry of Lamine happened to play of '9', with a greater incidence in attack.

Joao Félix: Goleador

The luso had had a quite grey night until the minute 37, where opened the marker with a remarkable technical gesture. Joao Took advantage of a clear half of Alex Fernández to throw a Chilean with which could hit the balloon with the right foot. The VAR reviewed a possible dangerous action of the '14', but the repetition evidenció the legality of the so much. In the 60' drove a big played individual to assist to Ferran that it could not define. Two minutes afterwards, invested the roles, with the luso failing in the definition after pass of the '7'. It left his place in the field in the 85' by Marc Casadó, ten minutes after sending a balloon to the stick with a finish crusader.

Vítor Roque: Gafado

'Tigrinho' Starred the first offensive attempt of the Barça, with a far shot quite diverted. Afterwards, it participated little of the game culé in front of the fault of depth of the centre of the field. After the rest, followed without having incidence some and was replaced in the 60' by Lamine Yamal. To the Brazilian saw him frustrated when leaving to the bench, since it expected to have more minutes.

Lamine Yamal: Differential

Lamine ingresó By Vitor Roque with half hour by in front and did not take in doing notice with several desbordes by right in front of Javi Hernández. A big played individual his served to arm a wall with Fermín in the 69' that left him very very outlined to assist to Ferran on line background, but rushed with a finish to door without angle that left very diverted.

Pedri: Jugón

It left several destellos of class helping to the Barça to recover the control of the balloon after several minutes of a run over siege gaditano. Propició A yellow to Roger Martí in the 85' by a successful dribbling.

Jules Koundé: Head office

It returned to the centre of the saga in the half final hour after the exit of Christensen, giving a hand to Cubarsí in a place that had not occupied in what it goes of 2024.

Raphinha: Testimonial

Ingresó By Fermín in the 80', with little incidence like second tip.

Marc Casadó: Residual

The canterano ingresó to fault of five minutes by Joao Félix to reinforce the saga culé.

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