Ronald Koeman in a FC Barcelona's match


Koeman Gives the face after the 'prick': "We didn't defended well..."

Published:29/04/2021 - 22:37h

Updated:29/04/2021 - 22:52h

Ronald Koeman has appeared in front of the media after the defeat of the Barça in front of the Granada and has explained the failures and errors that committed the team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Ronald Koeman lived an afternoon 'movidita' in the Camp Nou during the crash between theF C Barcelona and Granada, that finished with defeat of the Barcelona group and the expulsion of the Dutch technician in the second part. The Barça, once again, did not achieve to close the party in front of the 'nazaríes' and the ghosts of the past, with defensive errors, did act of presence to remove him to the culés the possibility to be leaders of LaLiga.

The goal of Leo Messi after a genialidad of Antoine Griezmann was not sufficient and the Barça began to play with fire in the second part, without closing the party, topándose with a Granada that wanted to reach something historical and finally carried the victory of the City Condal thanks to the goals of Darwin Machís and Jorge Molina in the second part.

"There are faults of concentration in the defence. This has cost us the points. We have not defended well, we have not closed spaces...".

Regarding the deployment of the team, Koeman has said that "in the second half, the concentration in defence was not so good as in the second. We create occasions to mark, especially with the 1-0, but lost the concentration. Therefore we lost. They also closed well". Deepening in the second act, aimed that the Barça dominated but did not mark to have tranquility and that, in the goals of the Granada "there are faults of concentration in the defence. This has cost us the points. We have not defended well, we have not closed spaces...".

It has been a big discontent and disappointment for the culés, that already saw leaders of LaLiga. Koeman Has said that, for the moment, "have to accept that we have lost today. We are disappointed. It is a very hard hit. It is hard, because it was a big opportunity. But they remain us five parties, and all have a difficult calendar", signalled, underlining that now it remains to think in Valencia. "It is necessary to be smart for the Sunday. It is necessary to win the five parties to be champions. The party of the Sunday will be crucial of face at the end of season", sentenced.

LaLiga Is not impossible

Koeman Has left clear that still the Barça can litigate by the championship suspender belt and that there are possibilities. "It is necessary to analyse the defeat, but it is necessary to go on. The Sunday is a crucial party", explained. However, also it has been honest and desveló that is a hard hit for the players. "I have spoken with several players, by elCovid can not be a lot of while in the changing room. They were the greater. They were disappointed. We have spoken of the party of the Sunday. It is necessary to improve things", highlighted.

"The players were disappointed. We have spoken of the party of the Sunday. It is necessary to improve things"

To his time, has left a message of hope to the barcelonismo to believe to the end with the possibility to raise the title. The Dutch aimed that "we have won a lot of parties, have struggled... In spite of the very hard defeat of today is necessary to follow. Already I have spoken with several players. It is importantísimo go back to win", highlighting that this Sunday will contest a crucial "party" for the aspirations of the Barcelona group to win LaLiga, but that for now "is necessary to assume the defeat and think what have done and in going back to win. It is necessary to learn, improve and go on. Anybody has easy parties".

Hablade His expulsion

Ronald Koeman finished the party in the terracings, after having been expelled by the referee, with red direct, in the minute 66, after the tie of the Granada, by what will lose the crash in front of Valencia of the Sunday. The technician, however, has defended in press conference, explaining what happened with the referee's body. "I do not understand it because according to Carlos Naval have put in the record that have been missing the respect to the fourth referee. I have not said at all bad. I have not abused. It is incredible. But if the fourth referee wants to be the protagonist of the night.... I have commented something, but with all the respect. I have not made a mistake", highlighted.

To his time, left clear that had commented several played "of respectful form" with the fourth referee and that expects that "it say me which words have used... I have not used neither an ugly word. He answers me of a form that is not good. He has been missing me the respect to me. If they put in the record something that have not said, have to do something. It affects me not to seat me in the bench, because I have not done at all bad", resolved.


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