Luis Suárez in the party against the Huesca


Luis Suárez was not fine: garrafal failure in his second game

Published:1/10/2020 - 09:18h

Updated:1/10/2020 - 09:18h

The Athletic of Madrid did not happen of the tie against the Huesca (0-0) and Luis Suárez was not fine in his second party like footballer rojiblanco

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The debut of Luis Suárez with the T-shirt of the Athletic of Madrid in front of the Granada went entirely estratosférico. In hardly 24 minutes, the ex forward of the FC Barcelona achieved to give an assistance of goal to Marcos Llorente in the first ball that touched for later mark two goals that ilusionaron to the fans 'colchonera', that up to now had suffered to the Uruguayan but that now has it of his side.

Alas, the second round of Luis Suárez with the T-shirt of the Athletic of Madrid was not so idílico like the first. In this occasion, the group of Diego Pablo Simeone played in The Alcoraz against a recently risen rival to LaLiga​ like the Huesca and the Argentinian technician gave him the titularity to the Uruguayan forward, that formed offensive couple beside Joao Félix without too much success.

Against the Huesca, the Athletic of Madrid found in a party with few spaces in which had difficulties to hurt to the Barcelona group. Luis Suárez, accustomed to this class of parties and of rivals, put inside to treat to look for spaces that allowed him look for shot. Combinations and attempts to resolve inside the area that did not have so much tarpaulin like the showed against the Granada.

During the first time, Luis Suárez did not have any clear occasion and his only opportunity with true danger arrived the second time. The Uruguayan forward collected a big pass in depth that left him only in the hand manually against Andrés Fernándes but, in place to define, wanted to test a dribbling to out that it left him without hardly angle to beat to the cancerbero rival.

Luis Suárez regretted the occasion failed, since it wetted him the gunpowder that against the Granada had had dry. Finally, Diego Pablo Simeone substituted to the ex Barcelona in the minute 62 to give entrance to Diego Coast that, if it does not leave before this 5 October, will be his big rival by the position of leading centre. At the end, the first titularity of the 'gunman' saldó with tie and with a discreet party of the Uruguayan.

The message of the Cholo Simeone

Diego Pablo Simeone wanted to explain the rotations that carried out against the Huesca and that carried to Luis Suárez to the titularity. "Rotamos So that all have the opportunity to be able to show his game and to be important. The changes stepped more and the team answered in consequence. But when you do not mark the party escapes you ; the rival closed us well", sentenced, to explain the final tie without goals.

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