The French defence played during five seasons in the valency

Mathieu confronts for the first time to his ex team

Mathieu confronts for the first time to his ex team

Published:30/11/2014 - 01:05h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The one of this Sunday (21:00, Channel 1) will be a very special party for Jèrèmy Mathieu. The central of the Barça confronts to Valencia, team where played 177 parties

Jèrèmy Mathieu confronts this Sunday, in Mestalla, to the that went his team during five seasons, from 2009 until the summer of 2014, when it closed his signing by the Barça. During this time, the central French contested with Valencia 177 parties and turned into one of the defensive referents of the team being headline in 163 occasions. Like player of Valencia Mathieu confronted until six times with the Barça in Mestalla, although it did not achieve never the victory. It attained 3 ties (1-1, 2-2, 2-2) and 2 defeats (2-3, 0-1) in five parties of League and 1 tie (1-1) in the eliminatory of semifinals of the Glass of the King during the season 2011/12.

Good adaptation to the Barça

Mathieu has turned into one of the key pieces that form the defensive gear of the Barça this season in the League. Luis Enrique has showed that has full confidence with the performance of Jérémy Mathieu in defensive zone and is an usual in the eleven headline of the Asturian. For the moment, it has played 10 parties of the 12 that have contested of the championship of League. A figure that supposes a total of 900 minutes on the terrains of game. The Barcelona trainer gives importance to the polivalencia of the French footballer and so much situates it in the axis of the defence as in the left side.

This season Mathieu only has lost two parties of League and both have been to domicile (Málaga and Almería). The party of the Málaga lost by it to him technical decision, since Luis Enrique did him go in in the rotations, because of the load of parties of the team during the month of September. Regarding the party of Almería, the reason of his absence was the injury that suffered in the sóleo of the right leg.

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