The image of the non-existent penalti of Ter Stegen to Rafa Mir


SHAME: Penalti non-existent in favour of the Huesca... And the VAR ratified it!

Published:15/03/2021 - 22:05h

Updated:15/03/2021 - 22:57h

The Huesca achieved to annotate him a first goal as a result of a controversial penalti that obtained when finalising the first time and that, although there was not lacking, even the VAR ratified it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Thanks to a penalti earned by the forward of the Huesca, Rafa Mir, at the end of the first time, the team oscense achieved the first goal in front of the combined Catalan and remaining the party 2-1. However, in the repetition of the played done in full transmission, and that the referee pitó like fault of Ter Stegen, could not see that this went a fault done by the penal German goalkeeper.

Incredibly, the attendant of the VAR, Mario Melero López, ratified the decision of the referee of said party, Adrián Lamb Vega. The players of the combined Barcelona did not doubt in protesting, although in spite of the protests this no retractó of his decision. The attacker of the Huesca earned his penal and achieved the first goal for his team.

Criticisms in networks

Journalists and users of social networks did not doubt in criticising to the referee by said measure. Even they published videos of the played where can see that the guardameta Barcelona never arrives to touch to Rafa Mir. "But... There is some half/referee that say that YES it is penalti? And if it is like this, why? It is that it is alucinante... Normal that Koeman this like a motorbike", wrote Jordi Ferrón.

"I have seen some 20 times the action of the "penalti" to Rafa Mir and do not see the penalti by any part. I recognise that I do not know what carajo has pitado the referee. The same inside 10 hours appears a taking that have not seen, but doubt it a lot", thought the locutor sportive MisterChip.

"That piten penalti of Ter Stegen by this is of the greater shames of the last times. they are loading The football", wrote an user of Twitter that does call Brando, and the one who attached a video of the played.

Ex referees coincide

Two referees interviewed by ACE and Mark, coincided that said played was not penalti. "It is a played in which there is not at all of at all. It is indefensible and incomprehensible that pite this penalti. And the VAR, with Melero López, does not say him at all?", it has explained the ex collegiate Juan Andújar Oliver, to Radius Marks

The referee of ACE and Sportive Carousel, Iturralde González, affirmed the same: "At all. It is not penalti never. It does not involve card. It is a touch, no to throw him. The VAR does not have to look for an image for sustentar a referee's decision. The football is of contact. In any moment is for pitar penalti". It regretted that the VAR did not correct the decision of Lamb Vega. "If you go running like Rafa Mir and hit you with the hand in the leg hit you a terrible hit. The VAR did not come to help to the referee but to help to the football. The VAR uses for sustentar erroneous referee's decisions. And I think that that is the error. The VAR came to remove the earthy errors in the football and no for rebuscar an image where can sustentar a referee's error".

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