Quique Setién in a press conference of Barça | FCB


Setién: "Arthur? We expect commitment and honesty until the last day"

Published:29/06/2020 - 13:40h

Updated:29/06/2020 - 17:17h

The FC Barcelona will measure to the Athletic of Madrid this Tuesday and Quique Setién offered the usual previous press conference. In her, it spoke of the party... And of Arthur

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona will play the few options that has to win LaLiga in the party against the Athletic of Madrid that will take place in the Camp Nou this same Tuesday. The technician of the first team, Quique Setién, offered this Monday to the midday the previous press conference to the meeting. The santanderino did reference to the tension of the changing room and also to the goodbye of Arthur Melo.

They asked him if, by the difficulty of the rival, has the feeling that it is the most difficult party that remains. "All have seen that the parties against the Athletic are contested, difficult, is used to to have alternative, is a big team identified with his form to do the things and goes us to put the things complicated. But the rest of the parties will be so important like east. Win has converted already in a decisive question because it is truth that all can happen, but the margin is lower because there are fewer parties. We go him to give the importance been due to this party, but as to all", answered.

It is conscious, pro this, that the team of Diego Pablo Simeone is very solid. "To the Athletic no only put him goals the Betis, neither the rest of the teams. They are solid and are not easy. This is the history of the Athletic in these years. It hampers a lot and it will be necessary to move well and between lines to have lucidity and precision to move in spaces reduced. And afterwards the capacity that has to play in transition, to unemployed balloon...", it remembered.

"I am not slope of what has said the mother of Arthur"

Also it answered to if it feels more weakened that when it arrived. "At all. I seat me the same and I go me to feel until the last day. The first that I have to do is to free my consciousness and am doing what can because the thing go well. And this reassures me and relieves me. Sometimes the results do not depend on me. Already it knows how it is the football. I think that we are doing a good work and that are improving. The victories hide a lot of things and the defeats comport these. There are moments and moments. When one wins, enjoys; and when it loses, as it pushes", it said.

On the other hand, it sees centred to Arthur in spite of that knows that it will go . "I am not pendiende of what has said the mother of Arthur, but he has said the same that said him the other day. We expect of him the greater commitment until the last day that was here. Still it is player of the Barcelona until it finish the season and has engaged in that it goes to be one more and goes to achieve of plenary the aims that have posed. It is a youngster that goes to be honoured until the last day", commented

It commented also the complicated that it is to prepare a party with the noise mediático of the course of Arthur and the internal tension. "The noise is sew yours, I keep me to the margin. I centre me in the things that have to centre me. I do not know what moves until it says me something the cabinet of information. I am centred, are how works and deal of not to wear me out like the footballers, that think that do the same", affirmed.

The situation of Griezmann

They asked him, besides, if Antoine Griezmann has lost specific weight in the team. "They can play eleven. Permanently me preguntábais why did not play Ansu, Riqui... And some times go to play ones and others, another. In function of the party and of what understand that they can resolve, this and what see in the trainings induces me to play with one or another. But all are important, all have options. There are players with a special jearquía but all is possible that play or that do not play", sentenced.

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