Javier Tebas in a press conference


Tebas makes it clear that Barça will not be sanctioned by LaLiga in the 'Negreira case'

Published:16/02/2023 - 16:03h

Updated:16/02/2023 - 16:04h

The president of LaLiga, Javier Tebas, has revealed a video in which he clarifies the entire situation of Barça with the 'Negreira case' and the possible sanctions they may receive if they are guilty

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The president of LaLiga, Javier Thebes, has appeared in a video in where it explains the posture of LaLiga on the 'case Negreira'. It is important to remember that the FC Barcelona has been accused to pay, supposedly, around 1.5 million euros to the exárbitro José María Enríquez Negreira, between the years 2016 and 2018, when east was vice-president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA).

The Barcelona were the first in issuing an official communiqué and later has been Joan Laporta the one who defended to the institution in front of the means. Now, the mandator of the patronal appeared in front of to the cameras of the corporate official channel of LaLiga in 'Twitter' to clear some important details on the possible sanctions to which would confront the Barça to be guilty.

It began his intervention alleging that the Committee did not have to loan any service to the culés. "After all I dress it in the media, is important to differentiate some clear subjects. The first is that it is evident that in the year 2018 and in the previous the norms of 'compliance', that control the conflicts of interests so much of the Barça as of the CTA, did not work. It is clear with what is seeing that these services did not have to have loaned never, neither in the amounts neither in the facts that have loaned ", aimed.

On the same line, it exposed that LaLiga can not sanction deportivamente to the Barcelona. "All this comports in a principle and is speaking of if it could have sportive sanctions or no. We have to clear already from the first moment that is not possible that exist sportive disciplinary sanctions, because from the 2018 to the 2023 have happened five years and this type of penalties prescribe to the three years since they have produced the facts. To sportive level does not go to be possible", sentenced Thebes.

The Fiscalía and the CTA

Near to finalise, left on the table that can have some penalty from the Fiscalía. "Another thing is of the field of the penal jurisdiction, that now is the Fiscalía investigating the facts sucedidos and if it can exist a possible crime of corruption between individuals in the version of alter in the sportive field. We go to see how finishes this investigation. We from LaLiga go to expect and to respect the investigation and once culminate to see if it decides to interpose the timely complaint or querella in the corresponding courts. From here we will take decisions", ensured.

Finally, it asked also an answer by part of the CTA. "We go to require to our members of the Committee of Arbitration of professional form if there is a member of LaLiga in these periods that designated to the referees that go to the parties and if had some interference or took part the gentleman Negreira in some designation. It is a conclusion that, so much aesthetically as ethically, these things can not occur in the Spanish football", concluded the leader.

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